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Q: What majority of photosynthesis takes place in what organelle?
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What takes place in the organelle?


In which organelle does photosynthesis takes place?

Photosyntesis takes place in the chloroplasts.

Photosynthesis which takes place in what organelle?

the chloroplast

What organelle does photosynthesis AND what is being made in photosynthesis?

In eukariyotes it takes place in chloroplast.Glucose and O2 is produced.

What cell organelle where photosynthesis occurs?

Photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts. The chloroplasts contains the pigment called chlorophyll where it receives sunlight.

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What takes place in the organelle?


In which organelle does photosynthesis takes place?

Photosyntesis takes place in the chloroplasts.

Photosynthesis which takes place in what organelle?

the chloroplast

What organelle does photosynthsis?

Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast.

In which cel organelle does photosynthesis take place?

it takes place in life

Name the organelle in which photosynthesis occurs?

The organelle in which photosynthesis takes place is the chloroplast.Chloroplast is the photosynthesizing organelle in eukaiyotes. In prokariyotes,it takes place in photosynthetic filaments

What is the organelle in which phototsynthesis takes place called?

The organelle in which photosynthesis takes place is called the chloroplast. It contains chlorophyll, a pigment that captures light energy for the process of photosynthesis.

What organelle does photosynthesis AND what is being made in photosynthesis?

In eukariyotes it takes place in chloroplast.Glucose and O2 is produced.

What organelle does photosynthesis take place in?

Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast organelle within plant cells. This is where the green pigment chlorophyll captures sunlight and converts it into chemical energy in the form of glucose.

The organelle in which photosynthesis takes place is the?

Chloroplasts :D

How would chloroplast be used in a sentence?

Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts.

What organelle does photosynthesis take place in plants?

It takes place in the chloroplasts, in the stacks of discs called thykaloids.