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Q: What made Joseph change him mind about breaking the engagement?
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What makes up a chemical change?

A chemical change involves the formation of new substances with different chemical properties than the original ones. This can involve the breaking and forming of chemical bonds, resulting in a change in the composition and structure of molecules. Evidence of a chemical change includes the release or absorption of energy, color change, formation of a precipitate, or production of gas.

Does breaking an ice cube change the identity of an ice cube?

Breaking an ice cube into smaller pieces does not change its identity as ice; it is still made of the same substance, which is water in its solid state. The physical arrangement of the ice cube has changed, but its chemical composition remains the same.

Can you bend a pencil without breaking it?

No, a pencil cannot be bent without breaking it because it is made of a rigid material like wood or plastic. Attempting to bend it will likely result in it snapping or fracturing.

What substance can only be broken down by chemical change?

A substance that can only be broken down by chemical change is a compound. Compounds are made up of different elements chemically bonded together, and breaking these bonds requires a chemical reaction. Physical changes, such as melting or dissolving, cannot break compounds down into their individual elements.

Is breaking a mirror a result of a product with chemical properties?

Breaking a mirror is not a result of chemical properties, but rather a result of physical force or impact applied to the glass. Mirrors are made of a thin layer of metal, typically silver or aluminum, on the back of glass, and breaking one involves shattering the glass layer.

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Who thought Mary had cheated when she was conceived with Jesus?

Joseph Matthew 1:19 Joseph was a man who always did what was right, but he did not want to disgrace Mary publicly; so he made plans to break the engagement privately.

How did Joseph Priestley's work change science?

He farted and made gass

Is breaking a balloon chemical change or physcial change?

Breaking a balloon is a physical change because no new substances are formed during the process. The balloon remains made of the same materials even after it is broken into pieces.

If a pencil nib breaks is it a chemical or physical change?

It is a physical change. There are no changes made to the compounds in a pencil by breaking it.

Is breaking and antacid tablet you physical or chemical change?

This change is a physical change because the matter is made up of the same components that it consisted of before it was broken. An example of a chemical change is the molecular rearrangement of matter like rust on a car.

What change was made by general Joseph hooker as new commander of the union army was to?

Organize the army different.

Is breaking a pencil in half a chemical change?

Breaking a pencil in half is a physical change, not a chemical change. The composition of the pencil, which is made of wood and graphite, remains the same even though its physical appearance has changed.

Why is breaking something a physical change?

When something is broken the object itself obviously changes, but what it is made of remains the same.

Who made Joseph?

Joseph's parents.

Why is Breaking of glass a physical change?

A physical change can be reversed, for it does not change what the object is made of. The glass, even when broken, is still glass. It can be put back into its original state (possibly through melting) because it never changed what it was made out of.

Does breaking a mirror cause a change of chemical properties?

Breaking a mirror does not cause a change in the chemical properties of the mirror itself. The act of breaking the mirror may result in physical changes, such as the mirror's fragments having sharp edges, but the chemical composition of the mirror remains the same. Mirrors are typically made of a layer of reflective material, like silver or aluminum, which is deposited on the glass surface, and breaking the mirror does not alter this composition.

What year was the Princess Diaries royal engagement made?

it came out in 2004 but it may of been made before that