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The GRAS list

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3mo ago

One such list could be the GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) list maintained by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which includes substances like salt, sugar, and vinegar that have been long used in food production without causing harm to consumers when used in accordance with approved guidelines.

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Q: What list is composed of substances widely used for many years without apparent ill effects?
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Without any apparent reason or for no apparent reason?

Without any apparent reason or for no apparent reason simply means that there is no clear explanation or cause for something to occur or happen. It signifies that the cause or rationale behind a certain event or action is not immediately evident or obvious.

Why can swines ingest toxic substances without any ill effects?

Some swines have special enzymes in their livers that break down toxic substances more effectively than other animals. Additionally, their digestive systems have evolved to handle a wider range of substances. Swines are also known to be selective feeders, which may help them avoid ingesting harmful substances.

What are the classification of matter according to its properties?

Matter can be classified as pure substances or mixtures based on its properties. Pure substances are further divided into elements, which are made up of only one type of atom, and compounds, which are made up of two or more different types of atoms chemically bonded together. Mixtures are composed of two or more substances physically mixed together without a specific chemical composition.

How bright a star appears as seen earth is called?

Apparent magnitude is the measure of how bright a star appears as seen from Earth. This scale is based on a star's brightness perceived by human observers. The lower the apparent magnitude, the brighter the star appears.

What do the words spontaneous combustion mean?

It is sudden combustion caused without any apparent reason

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Without any apparent reason or for no apparent reason?

Without any apparent reason or for no apparent reason simply means that there is no clear explanation or cause for something to occur or happen. It signifies that the cause or rationale behind a certain event or action is not immediately evident or obvious.

What are natural insecticide?

Something from nature that can be used effectively as a pesticide without any additives.

How are mixtures differ from substance?

Substances cannot be separated without breaking chemical bonds, whereas mixtures are composed of substances not chemically bonded together.Naturally occurring sulfur crystalsSulfur occurs naturally as elemental sulfur, sulfide, and sulfate minerals and in hydrogen sulfide. This mineral deposit is composed of a mixture of substances.Key PointsA substance is composed of one type of atom or molecule.A mixture is composed of many different types of atoms or molecules.A mixture may contain several substances.Niharika Agarwal Haldiram

Why can swines ingest toxic substances without any ill effects?

Some swines have special enzymes in their livers that break down toxic substances more effectively than other animals. Additionally, their digestive systems have evolved to handle a wider range of substances. Swines are also known to be selective feeders, which may help them avoid ingesting harmful substances.

Why crystalline substances are not transparent at all?

This question is based on a false premise. Many crystalline substances are transparent, for example ice, quarts (in puure form, without falts etc.). Non transparent or translucant crystaline substances are probably so because of the way the crystal structure effects light entering the substance.

What is a accident definition?

An event that happens without apparent cause.

Is mercury oxide a mixture?

No, mercury oxide is a compound composed of mercury and oxygen atoms. It is not a mixture, which would involve physically combining two or more substances without forming new chemical bonds.

What is the apparent magnitude of a main sequence star?

The apparent magnitude depends on distance, and without that information, it's literally impossible to tell what it might be.

Definition for Milling around?

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Which is not a characteristic of a compound-?

A compound is a substance composed of two or more different elements chemically bonded together. It is not a mixture, which consists of substances physically combined without a chemical bonding.