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It would be a list of the outer planets.

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Q: What list contains only outer planets?
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Are the planets with rings inner or outer planets?

Only the four outer planets have rings. The four inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) dont have rings.

Are all the first four outer planets bigger then earth?

yes the ONLY four outer planets are bigger than earth

What are the 5 outer planets?

There are only 4 "outer planets". They are Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune. There are 5 planets outside the Earth's orbit. They are the above 4 plus Mars. These 5 are called the "superior planets".

Is Pluto A Outer Planet Or Inner Planet?

The terms "outer planet" and "inner planet" are only used for planets. Pluto is not a planet, and it orbits beyond the outer planets.

The first four outer planets do not have solid?

The first four outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) are known as gas giants because they are primarily composed of gases like hydrogen and helium. These planets do not have a solid surface like the inner rocky planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars), but they have dense atmospheric layers that become gradually denser towards their cores.

How are the inner and outer planets alike?

The inner and outer planets are alike in that they are all part of our solar system and orbit around the Sun. They also have varying sizes and compositions, with the inner planets being smaller and rocky while the outer planets are larger and gaseous. Additionally, they all have moons, but the outer planets tend to have more and larger moons compared to the inner planets.

Which outer planets rotate on their sides?

Uranus is the only outer planet that rotates on its side. Its axis of rotation is tilted almost parallel to its orbital plane, causing it to rotate on its side compared to the other planets.

What was outer space filled with?

Nothing. That is why they call it outer space. the only things that are out there are stars, rocks, planets and light and darkness

Another name for the inner planets?

The inner planets are also known as the terrestrial planets. They include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, which are characterized by solid, rocky surfaces and relatively high densities compared to the outer gas giants.

How are all the inner gas planets the same?

there are no inner gas planets only outer gas planets but they are the same because they all have rings, they are all made of gas.

Which contains only objects that shine as a result of reflected light?

moons, planets and comets

What are outer planets made off?

I think you mean of? Anyways if so, they are made up of gases. Only the outer planets are able to have gases because its cool enough there. Inner planets get more sun so its too warm for gas planets in the inner part. Hope this helped.