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The lipid that makes up a leaf cuticle is primarily waxes, specifically cutin. Cutin forms a hydrophobic barrier on the outer surface of the leaf, helping to prevent water loss and protect the leaf from environmental stresses.

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Q: What lipid makes up a leaf cuticle?
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Which layer of a leaf is not made up of cells?

The cuticle

What kind of cells make the cuticle for the leaf?

The cuticle of a leaf is primarily made up of cells called epidermal cells. These cells are located on the outer layer of the leaf and secrete a waxy substance that forms the protective cuticle layer.

What is Waxy layer of the leaf?

The waxy layer of the leaf, known as the cuticle, is a waterproof barrier that covers the outer surface of the leaf. It helps prevent excessive water loss from the leaf through evaporation and protects the leaf from damage by external factors such as UV radiation and pathogens. The cuticle also serves to reduce water droplet formation on the leaf surface, helping to prevent fungal growth.

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Gabi leaves are waterproof due to the waxy coating on their surface, which helps repel water and prevent it from being absorbed into the leaf tissues. This waxy layer acts as a barrier, allowing water to bead up and roll off the leaf surface, keeping the leaf dry.

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The carbon chain that makes up part of a lipid is called a fatty acid. A fatty acid chain is a chain of carbon-hydrogen bonds in which there is an even number of carbon molecules.

What are the function of leaf blade?

it is to carry meth into the leaf through the veins into the petiole and ending up in the roots. This makes the plant very high.

What two make up the cell membrane?

The lipid bilayer makes up the membrane of a cell. The lipid bilayer consists of opposing phospholipids, where the polar ends of both the top layer and the bottom layer of phospholipids face opposite directions.

What kind of lipid makes up the bilayer that forms cell membranes?

Phospholipids, where one end is hydrophobic and the other is hydrophilic.