Alexandria, the second largest city in Egypt, with its longitude of 29°55′E.
New York City is the closest city to the coordinates 40 degrees north latitude and 74 degrees west longitude.
The closest city is Port Said, Egypt. The closest major city is Cairo, Egypt.
The closest Asian capital city to the equator and 100 degrees longitude is Jakarta, Indonesia.
That's near Charikar in Afghanistan. Kabul is the closest major city.
The closest Tennessee city to Florida would be Chattanooga, TN.
The closest city in Tennessee to Charlotte, NC is Knoxville, which is approximately 3 hours away by car.
Alexandria, the second largest city in Egypt, with its longitude of 29°55′E.
What city is approximately 35 degress south latitude20 degress east longitude?
Nashville is the closest city in Tennessee to Louisville, KY. Knoxville would also be a city in Tennessee that is close to Louisville, KY.
Manchester, Tennessee is the closest Tennessee city to Old Stone Fort.
New York City is the closest city to the coordinates 40 degrees north latitude and 74 degrees west longitude.
There are 45,967 people as of 2011 that live in Union City, Tennessee.
The closest city is Port Said, Egypt. The closest major city is Cairo, Egypt.
Tennessee is a U.S. state. It became the 16th state in the Union on June 1, 1796.