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Q: What layers are appendages found in?
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What are appendages found on the head of a crayfish?

it is the antenna, antennule, rostrum, and the maxillipeds (feeding appendages).

Where are the palps found?

Palps are a second pair of appendages found in crustacean and insects. These appendages are located near the mouth and are used to guide food into the mouth.

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Which structures and appendages are found on the head of a locust?

Locusts have several structures on their heads. The antennae help the locust detect vibrations while the eyes help them see.

What are paired appendages?

Paired appendages are limb-like structures that are found in pairs on the body, such as arms and legs in humans. These appendages are typically used for movement, grasping, or manipulation in different organisms. Examples of paired appendages include wings in birds and fins in fish.

How does the Clarke system measure the depth of a malignant melanoma?

The Clarke system utilizes the layers of the dermis and the skin appendages present at that layer to identify the depth of penetration.

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appendages are how many body parts do they have

What type of appendages do reptiles have?

A bird's appendages are its legs, tail, and wings.

What layers are ozone found?

The layers ozone is found is troposphere and stratosphere. The stratosphere is the second layer next to troposphere.

Is filipendulous an adjective?

Yes, it is. It is an adjective describing the hanging bulbous appendages found on some plant rootlets.

Are older fossils found in higher layers of earth or lower layers?


What are the appendages found on the head of the crayfish?

it is the antenna, antennule, rostrum, and the maxillipeds (feeding appendages).