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Galileo was the first to say that an object will continue in a straight line at constant speed unless acted on by a force.

Newton's law of gravity and laws of motion were used to give a mathematical proof of the laws of planetary motion discovered by Kepler from measurements of the planets' positions done by Tycho Brahe at the end of the 16th century.

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Q: What law regarding inertia the planets would travel in a straight line into space Gravity is the outside force that keeps the planets in orbit about the Sun?
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How does gravity keep objects in motion around the sun?

Gravity is the force of attraction between objects with mass. In the case of objects in motion around the Sun, the gravitational pull of the Sun keeps them in their orbits. The combination of the object's velocity and the gravitational force between the object and the Sun results in a stable orbit.

What are some examples of outside force that would change an objects inertia?

Gravity Electro-magnetic force Direct impact or contact

What outside force prevents the planets from moving in a straight line into space?

The gravitational force produced by the sun keeps the planets in orbit around it. This force pulls the planets toward the sun, creating a continuous circular motion rather than a straight line out into space.

How is a tractor affected by inertia?

Inertia is the tendency of an object at rest to stay at rest, or an object's tendency to stay in motion in a straight line until acted upon by an outside force. A tractor must overcome resting inertia to move forward and must overcome moving inertia to stop.

Where law of inertia exhibited?

Every where. Roll a ball on the floor. As soon as it leaves your hand it continues to roll in a straight line. The outside force, friction slows it down. A rock can sit on the ground for a long time until an outside force from someone picks up he rock, or kicks it. Shoot an arrow thru the air. It would continue in a straight line if gravity did not pull it down to earth.

Why would a ball thrown in outer space continue to move in a straight line?

This is due to Newtons first law. Because their is no gravity the object will move in a straight line unless a outside force is applied to it. Such as the gravity of a near by planet/object.

What causes the body to resist a change in motion?

The body resists a change in motion due to inertia, which is the tendency of an object to stay at rest or in motion unless acted upon by an external force. Inertia is influenced by the mass of an object - the greater the mass, the greater the resistance to a change in motion.

What is n object that will remain at rest until some force causes it to move and a moving object will continue acted by some outside forces?

Any and all matter.

What is the first law of mation?

The law of Inertia. An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force.

Why does an air freshener move when a vehicle is turning?

three principles apply here, inertia, gravity and friction. The sudden turn changes the gravity of the object as it pulls less than a g of g force, then inertia takes over because an object in motion stays in motion until acted upon by an outside force and this force is friction because it will come to a stop.

What is Sir Isaac newtons first law of motion called?

Inertia An object in motion shall continue on in a straight line at the same rate inless disturbed by an outside force. An object at rest shall stay at rest unless disturbed by an outside force

How is gravity inertia and friction used to throw a ball?

When you first throw a ball inertia is the main property. Inertia is the tendency of objects in motion to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. Those outside forces are air friction and gravity. Without those forces the ball would keep traveling forever in the direction it was going when it first left your hand. Air friction will slow it down so when the ball is caught (or lands) it is traveling slightly slower than when you first threw it. Gravity is the force that pulls it back down to Earth (or you can think of it as the force that gives it that nice arc).