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Q: What landforms couldnbe the result of diverging plates?
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Why do different landforms result at convergent boundaries and divergent boundaries?

Different landforms result at convergent boundaries because the tectonic plates are colliding, causing one plate to be pushed beneath the other (subduction) or creating mountains. Divergent boundaries result in landforms like rift valleys and mid-ocean ridges because the plates are separating, allowing magma to rise and create new crust.

What is a result in a diverging boundary?

At a diverging boundary, tectonic plates move away from each other. This results in the formation of new crust as magma rises to fill the gap created by the separating plates. As the magma cools and solidifies, it creates new oceanic crust on the seafloor or volcanic activity on land.

Distinguish between converging and diverging tectonic plates in a table form?

Converging Plate Boundary: Two tectonic plates move towards each other. This can result in the creation of mountains, trenches, and volcanic arcs due to subduction or collision. Diverging Plate Boundary: Two tectonic plates move away from each other. This can lead to the formation of new crust through seafloor spreading and rift valleys on land.

What does it mean when tectonic plates slip?

When tectonic plates slip, it means that they slide past each other along a fault line. This movement can result in earthquakes as the stress accumulated along the fault is released suddenly.

Which way does the divergent boundary go?

A divergent boundary is where two tectonic plates move away from each other. This movement can result in the formation of new crust as magma rises to fill the gap created by the moving plates.

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Why do different landforms result at convergent boundaries and divergent boundaries?

Different landforms result at convergent boundaries because the tectonic plates are colliding, causing one plate to be pushed beneath the other (subduction) or creating mountains. Divergent boundaries result in landforms like rift valleys and mid-ocean ridges because the plates are separating, allowing magma to rise and create new crust.

Distinguish between converging and diverging tectonic plates in a table form?

Converging Plate Boundary: Two tectonic plates move towards each other. This can result in the creation of mountains, trenches, and volcanic arcs due to subduction or collision. Diverging Plate Boundary: Two tectonic plates move away from each other. This can lead to the formation of new crust through seafloor spreading and rift valleys on land.

What is a result in a diverging boundary?

At a diverging boundary, tectonic plates move away from each other. This results in the formation of new crust as magma rises to fill the gap created by the separating plates. As the magma cools and solidifies, it creates new oceanic crust on the seafloor or volcanic activity on land.

Are earthquakes landforms?

No, earthquakes are not landforms. Earthquakes are the result of the sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust, usually caused by the movement of tectonic plates. Landforms are physical features on the Earth's surface, such as mountains, valleys, and plains, that are shaped by various forces over time.

What is caused by divergent plates pulling apart above sea level?

The African Rift Valley is on example of this process, and eventually, this part will be separated from Africa. Another example is Iceland, which is actively volcanic because of the arrival of primary magma on the surface, as the two plates spread apart.

What boundary is Peru-Chile Trench and Andes Mountains?

The Trench and Andes are on the boundaries of the Nazca and South American Plates. Both of those landforms are the result of a subducting Nazca Plate.

What boundary is Peru Chile Trench and Andes Mountains?

The Trench and Andes are on the boundaries of the Nazca and South American Plates. Both of those landforms are the result of a subducting Nazca Plate.

What are some landforms in San Andreas Fault?

Some landforms associated with the San Andreas Fault include valleys (like the Carrizo Plain), mountains (such as the Tehachapi Mountains), and hills (like the Santa Cruz Mountains). These landforms result from the movement of tectonic plates along the fault line.

What are landforms that result from magma?

Islands and volcanoes.

What ways can tectonic plates move?

The interaction areas between tectonic plates are called boundaries. There are three types of boundaries:Transform--where plates essentially grind past each other with no subduction.Convergent--where plates collide. Oceanic plate to oceanic plate convergence will result in the more dense plate subducting under the less dense plate.Divergent--where plates move apart. The major diverging plates are located at the mid-ocean ridge system where melting material from the asthenosphere fills in the separating plate zone, creating new crust.

How do movements of the crust change landforms?

Movements of the Earth's crust, such as plate tectonics, can result in the formation of landforms like mountains, valleys, and fault lines. When tectonic plates collide, they can create mountains through the process of folding and faulting. At the same time, when plates pull apart, they can form rift valleys or volcanic features. Over time, these movements can sculpt and reshape the Earth's surface.

What are the landforms that you call volcanoes created by?

Volcanoes are primarily created by the movement of tectonic plates beneath the Earth's surface. When these plates shift or collide, it can result in magma being forced to the surface through openings in the Earth's crust, creating a volcano. The magma then solidifies to form the various structures of a volcano, such as a cone or caldera.