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Tornadoes do not create landforms and do not have a significant impact on the shape of the land. In rare cases some exceptionally violent tornadoes may strip away a foot or two of soil.

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Q: What landforms can a tornado create on earth?
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How does a tornado affect earth's spheres?

A tornado can impact several spheres of the Earth. It affects the geosphere through erosion and destruction of landforms. In the atmosphere, tornadoes create powerful winds and storms. They also impact the biosphere by disrupting ecosystems and endangering wildlife.

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Which types of forces create landforms?

internal forces that originate in the earth's interior

What is an internal force that helps create new landforms?

Tectonic forces from the movement of Earth's lithospheric plates can create new landforms through processes such as mountain building, volcanic activity, and faulting. These internal forces can cause the Earth's surface to deform and reshape over time, leading to the formation of diverse landscapes.

What are landforms that erosion can create?

Erosion can create various landforms such as canyons, valleys, plateaus, and cliffs. Water, wind, and ice erosion can shape the Earth's surface over time, creating unique geological formations.

What are constructive forces and what landforms do they create?

Constructive forces are natural processes that build up the Earth's surface. They create landforms such as mountains, volcanoes, and valleys through the processes of deposition, uplift, and volcanic activity. These forces are responsible for shaping the Earth's landscape over millions of years.

What landforms create tornadoes?

Landforms do not create tornadoes. Tornadoes are a product of severe thunderstorms.

How do nutural processes create landforms?

water ,wind ,waves , sand, and erosion create landforms.

What types of forces create landforms?

divergent, convergent, and transform are the types of forces that create landforms

What are 3 reasons for landforms in your environment?

Plate tectonics: Movement of Earth's lithosphere plates can create mountains, valleys, and other landforms through processes like subduction and collision. Erosion: Processes like weathering and river flow can shape landforms like canyons, valleys, and deltas over time. Volcanic activity: Volcanoes can create landforms such as mountains, lava plateaus, and volcanic islands through the eruption of magma onto Earth's surface.

What do floods create and not create?

They can create new things and landforms

How do you think Earth's landforms would be the Earth stopped rotating?

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