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It is a virus, therefore it isn't alive and can't be classified into one of the kingdoms. It's just a virus.

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7mo ago

The common cold virus, or rhinovirus, belongs to the kingdom Viruses. Viruses are not classified under any kingdom in traditional biological classification systems because they are considered acellular and do not fit the criteria for living organisms.

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Does the virus cause a common cold?

Yes a virus does cause the common cold.

Where did the common cold come from?

The common cold is caused by a virus passed from person to person. This rhinovirus is the virus that causes the common cold.

What is the rhino virus Howrse answer?

the rhino virus is the common cold

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Is the common cold an active or inactive virus?

Cold sores are caused by a virus HSV-type 1.Yes oral herpes is a viral infection.

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The common cold

What are the common cold and flu examples of?

A virus.

Is common cold infectious or noninfectious?

The common cold is infectious. It is a upper respiratory infection caused by a virus.

Why do you get common cold?

Because a cold-causing virus has been introduced to your body.

Is the common cold and HIV from the same virus?

No the cold virus is rhinovirus,where as HIV&AIDS is a retrovirus it reproduces by changing DNA into RNA.

How common are colds?

Cold sores are common; 80% of us are infected with the virus.