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Tropical climates have very low amounts of rain. They also have weather that is around 65 degrees Fahrenheit year round.

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1mo ago

Tropical zones typically have warm to hot temperatures, with average temperatures ranging between 20°C to 30°C (68°F to 86°F). These regions experience minimal temperature variations throughout the year due to their proximity to the equator and receive high levels of solar radiation.

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Q: What kind of temperatures does a tropical zone have?
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What climate zone are you in if the temperatures are always very warm?

If temperatures are consistently warm, you may be in a tropical climate zone. These zones typically have high temperatures year-round with minimal variation in climate.

What climate zone are you in if the temperatures are always warm?

If it is warm were you live your climate zone is tropical.

What climate zone are in if the temperatures are always warm?

If it is warm were you live your climate zone is tropical.

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The three temperate zones are the tropical zone, temperate zone, and polar zone. The temperate zone is found between the tropical and polar zones and experiences moderate temperatures and distinct seasons.

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Is the climate of a temperate zone more like a polar zone or a tropical zone?

The climate of a temperate zone is more similar to a polar zone than a tropical zone. Temperate zones have distinct seasons with moderate temperatures and more variability compared to the relatively stable tropical climate, while polar zones experience extreme cold temperatures and lack of sunlight for parts of the year, similar to temperate zones but with more severe conditions.

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The climate of a temperate zone in summer is more similar to a polar zone than a tropical zone. This is because temperate zones experience moderate temperatures, unlike the consistently warm temperatures found in tropical zones. However, the summer season in temperate zones is still warmer than in polar zones.

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Asia is the continent with most of its landmass in the tropical zone

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The polar zone is the region near the North and South Poles characterized by cold temperatures, the temperate zone lies between the polar and tropical zones with moderate temperatures, and the tropical zone is near the equator with warm to hot temperatures. These zones correspond to different latitudes on Earth and have distinct climates and ecosystems.

What are the three major climate zones on earth?

The three major climate zones on Earth are tropical, temperate, and polar. The tropical zone is located near the equator and is characterized by warm temperatures year-round. The temperate zone is found between the tropical and polar zones and experiences distinct seasons. The polar zone is located near the poles and has cold temperatures throughout the year.