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flowering plants don't produce spores - they produce pollen

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4mo ago

Flowering plants produce pollen grains, which are equivalent to spores in non-flowering plants. These pollen grains are responsible for plant reproduction through the process of pollination, where they are transferred to the female reproductive organs of the flower for fertilization.

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11y ago

-_- I don't know D:

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Q: What kind of spores are produced by flowering plants?
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Spores are found in the Kingdom Fungi. Fungi are a group of organisms that include mushrooms, molds, and yeasts. Spores are reproductive cells that are produced by fungi for dispersal and reproduction.

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Ferns, mosses, and some fungi are examples of plants that reproduce through spores. Spores are microscopic reproductive structures that can develop into new plants under suitable conditions. These plants have a unique life cycle that involves alternation of generations between a multicellular organism (sporophyte) and a single-celled structure (gametophyte).

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