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Q: What kind of rock did the olmecs use for carving?
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What kind of tools did the olmecs use?

they used fat acids by chicken

What kind of weapons did the olmec use?

The Olmecs used spears, atlatls (spear thowers), and clubs.

How many calendars did the Olmecs use?

The Olmecs used 3 calendars.

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40 year calender

What did the olmecs use to carve stone statues and jewelry?

there hands

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How did the olmecs use the environment to succeed?

they buit things with it lived in it ,and ate from it

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Scientists think they made Mirrors out of Hematite.

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a rock knif

What kind of rock do you use to make a bridge?

stone and granite

What kind of music do you use?

Rock and Metal. LINKIN PARK!!

What did the olmecs use rubber for?

its like the answer to the tootsie pop. the world may never know