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Q: What kind of reaction to provide a star with energy?
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What kind of reactions provide a star with energy?

Stars obtain energy from a reaction called nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion causes lighter elements to become heavier elements. The most common reaction fuses hydrogen into helium. But helium can fuse further, to even heavier elements. This releases energy until you reach the element iron. Anything heavier than iron consumes energy, rather than releasing it, when it is formed by nuclear fusion.thermonuclear fusion

Under what circumstances will a binary star produce a nova?

A binary star can produce a nova when one star in the binary system accretes material from its companion, causing a sudden increase in nuclear reactions and a release of energy that leads to a temporary brightening of the system. This can occur when the accreted material ignites on the surface of the star in a runaway nuclear reaction.

Stars produce energy by fusing hydrogen into what?

Stars produce energy by fusing hydrogen into helium through a process called nuclear fusion. This fusion reaction releases a tremendous amount of energy in the form of light and heat, which powers the star and allows it to shine.

Does nuclear fusion occur in stars?

Yes, nuclear fusion occurs in stars. It is the process through which stars generate energy by fusing hydrogen atoms together to form helium in their cores. This process releases vast amounts of energy in the form of light and heat, which powers a star's luminosity.

What equation represents a reaction taking place in these stars?

The equation representing the fusion reaction in stars like the Sun is: 4 hydrogen nuclei (protons) -> helium nucleus + energy This fusion process, known as nuclear fusion, occurs in the core of stars and is responsible for the energy that sustains the star's life.

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What kind of reaction occurs to produce energy inside a star?

Nuclear Fusion

What is the energy needed to star an ezymatic reaction?

It's called the activation energy, depends on the reaction itself

What chemical reaction produces heat and energy in a star?

it is not a chemical reaction. It is a nuclear reaction and it is called fusion.

What kind of reactions provide a star with energy?

Stars obtain energy from a reaction called nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion causes lighter elements to become heavier elements. The most common reaction fuses hydrogen into helium. But helium can fuse further, to even heavier elements. This releases energy until you reach the element iron. Anything heavier than iron consumes energy, rather than releasing it, when it is formed by nuclear fusion.thermonuclear fusion

What energy would be used in a nuclear reaction in a star?

Nuclear fusion.

What types of reactions occur in a star?

In a star, nuclear fusion reactions occur. These reactions involve the conversion of hydrogen into helium, releasing immense amounts of energy in the process. This energy is what powers the star and allows it to shine.

What kind of furnace is the most cost efficient?

The best cost efficient furnace would be an Energy Star furnace. They are efficient in operation and provide an estimated 21% savings as opposed to other furnaces.

Some Benefits of Energy Star Refrigerators?

There are a lot of benefits to buying energy star refrigerators, and they really can end up paying for themselves over time. For example, the obvious benefit of energy star refrigerators is the energy savings that they provide. Over the course of the years you own it, your refrigerator will use less energy than your older, less efficient model so you end up saving. However, many people seem to overlook the fact that a number of states provide tax incentives to purchase energy star products. If you buy energy star refrigerators in these areas, you may qualify for a rebate.

Where star get it light?

Stars create light by fusing hydrogen into helium. This nuclear reaction creates a great amount of energy which releases light and energy. This expanding force a\is counterbalanced by gravity, keeping the star stable.

What kind of star forms when a white dwarf uses up all its energy?

A white dwarf is the remains of a dead star, not the birth of a new one.

What kind of fuel does a star have?

In nearly all stars, hydrogenis the most abundant element and it is consumed in a nuclear reaction that power stars.

How large is a starfish habitat?

A sea star has to have a large living area. Because it is used to the sea you also need to provide it the right kind of water (witch is salt water).And you need to provide it with the right kind of food.