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The narrator in "The Lightning-Rod Man" is skeptical, practical, and cautious. He questions the sales pitch of the lightning-rod man and ultimately decides against purchasing his product due to its dubious effectiveness.

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Q: What kind of man is the narrator in the lightning rod man?
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How thick of a lightning rod have to be to conduct a lightning?

Lightning rods are typically made of metal and do not need to be particularly thick to conduct lightning. The most important factor is the material's conductivity, such as copper or aluminum, which allows the lightning to safely pass through the rod and into the ground. The diameter of a lightning rod is usually around ½ inch to 1 inch.

How lighting rod prevent lighting from causing house to catch on fire?

A lightning rod is a metal rod installed on the roof of a building to intercept lightning strikes and safely conduct the electrical charge to the ground, thus preventing it from causing a fire inside the house. The rod provides a path of least resistance for the lightning to follow, protecting the structure by dissipating the potentially harmful electrical energy.

Would a lightning rod mounted on the first of tall building work?

Yes, a lightning rod mounted on a tall building can help protect the structure by providing a path for the lightning strike to safely reach the ground without causing damage. The rod will attract the lightning strike and conduct it harmlessly to the ground, reducing the risk of fire or structural damage. It is important for the lightning rod to be professionally installed and maintained to ensure its effectiveness.

Is a lightning rod an electric conductor or an insulator?

A lightning rod is an electric conductor. Its purpose is to safely conduct the electrical charge from a lightning strike to the ground, thus protecting the structure it is attached to.

Who was the inventor of the lightning rod?

Ben Franklin

Related questions

In this excerpt from Herman Melville and short story The Lightning-Rod Man which parts best support the view that the narrator equates the salesman with the devil?

In "The Lightning-Rod Man," the narrator equates the devil with the salesman through various descriptions and actions. For example, the salesman's persuasive and manipulative tactics mirror those of the devil, and his ability to exploit human fears and desires reflects a sinister influence. Additionally, the salesman's insistence on striking a deal despite the narrator's reluctance further emphasizes the devilish nature of his character.

What did benjamen invent?

* lightning rod * Franklin stove * odometer * bifocals* lightning rod * Franklin stove * odometer * bifocals* lightning rod * Franklin stove * odometer * bifocals* lightning rod * Franklin stove * odometer * bifocals* lightning rod * Franklin stove * odometer * bifocals* lightning rod * Franklin stove * odometer * bifocals

How can I be struck by lightning?

hold a lightning rod up to the sky while lightning is striking

What impact did the invention of lightning rod have on society?

The lightning rod enabled people to have a system that prevented their house from being struck by lightning. It is a metal rod that prevented lightning from striking. Instead of striking the target it bounced off the rod and into the ground.

How much is insurance for a lightning rod?

I do not think you would need to insure an lightning rod.

When lightning hits a lightning rod where does the lightning go?

When lightning strikes a lightning rod, the rod provides a path of least resistance for the electricity to travel safely to the ground. The lightning is then conducted harmlessly into the earth, minimizing the risk of damage to nearby structures.

Who invented lightning arrester?

Lightning arrester or lightning rod is a rod paired with a conductor. The lightning arrester was invented by Benjamin Franklin in the late 1749.

What a lightning rod?

A lightning rod is a metal rod or conductor mounted on a building or structure to protect it from lightning strikes. The rod helps to safely conduct the electrical charge from a lightning strike to the ground, reducing the risk of fire or other damage to the building.

How can a lightning rod help to make a home safe?

Lightning rod is grounded.So when light strikes lightning rod all the charge is transferred to earth without harming the house.

What a lightning rob does?

A lightning rod is a metal rod mounted on a structure to divert lightning strike away from the building and into the ground, preventing damage from electrical surges. When lightning strikes, the rod provides a path of least resistance for the electrical current to follow, minimizing the risk of fire or other damage.

How did people deal with lightning before the lightning rod was invented?

It wasn't dealt with. It caused many fires. That is why the lightning rod was so important.

How does a lightning rod help guide the electric current?

lightning rods help you because of the metal in the rod