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Current electricity is the kind of electricity that is caused by a continuous flow of electricity. In order for this to happen there must be a voltage present across a conductor, for example in overhead power lines.

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Q: What kind of electricity is caused by a continuous flow of electricity?
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What kind of electricity is caused by a continuous flow of electrons?

what kind of electricity is caused by a continuous flow of electrons

What kind of electricity caused by friction?

Static electricity.

Is electricity a mixture element or compound?

Neither. Electricity is not a substance. Electricity is a kind of energy represented by the continuous movement of electrons from one atom to another, or the accumulation of a static electrical charge.

What kind of particle that produces electricity?

Electrons produce electricity. Flow of electrons comprises of current.

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technically I think it is a combination of conductivity (the air conducts the flow of electricity) and electricity.

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What kind of circuit will not allow electricity to flow because there is a disconnection or the switch is off?

All electricity or electronic circuits will not allow the current to flow if they have switching devices in series in their circuits.

What kind of electricity is static electricity?

Static electricity is a stationary electric charge produced by the accumulation of excess electrons on an object's surface. It is different from current electricity, which is the flow of electric charge through a conductor. Static electricity is commonly generated by friction between two objects.

What is different between electricity and electronic?

Electricity is the flow of electrons through a cable. Electronics is set of conductors and semi-conductors (again kind of cables) through which electrons flow in specific way, needed by the machine.

What kind of circuit can electricity travel in?

Electricity can travel in both closed circuits and open circuits. In closed circuits, there is a complete loop for the electricity to flow through, allowing devices to receive power. Open circuits, on the other hand, have a gap that interrupts the flow of electricity.

Is the flow of electrons is called electric current?

static electricity- a kind of electricity produced by rubbing 2 different materials together to create friction/heat which makes static electricity.current electricity- a kind of electricity that has continuous movement of electrons[don't put your grade for safety purposes]

What material will let electricity to flow between a battery and a lightbolb?

A conductor like copper wire is the material that allows electricity to flow between a battery and a lightbulb. Conductors have free electrons that can move easily, enabling the flow of electric current.