Trojans can cause various types of damage, including stealing personal information such as passwords and financial details, compromising system security by installing additional malware, and enabling unauthorized access to a user's device. Additionally, Trojans can disrupt system functionality, slow down performance, and lead to data loss or corruption.
everything was destroyed
Rock falls can cause significant property damage, injure or kill people in the vicinity, block roads or paths, disrupt ecosystems, and create hazardous conditions for transportation and infrastructure. The size and speed of the falling rocks can have a major impact on the extent of the damage caused.
Mold may cause many allergy symptoms. Mold may also cause health problems, as it can irritate your skin tissues, possible causing itching, welts, hives, and swelling.
A lot of damage
Protozoa infestations cause: Amoebiasis, Chagas disease, Cryptosporidiosis, Dysentery, Giardiasis, Leishmaniasis, Malaria, Sleeping Sickness, Toxoplasmosis, and Trichomoniasis.
what is an Incendiary bomb and what damage does it cause
a drought can cause crop failure and death to people and animals
a drought can cause crop failure and death to people and animals
every computer can get a virus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sort of. There are only a handfull of viruses for mac and they are ALL trojans. They do not do much damage nearly as much as windows viruses.
what was the cause of the conflict between the Greeks and the trojans
everything was destroyed
seismic waves
Creates problems by overloading the network as it replicates.
I don't know I was asking you you dwit peace
kidnapping of Helen of Troy
Psychiatry does not cause brain damage since it covers the study, diagnosis, and treatment of brain disorders.