Ball and socket
Muscle Tissue
Pseudopod functions as a foot of some kind, which many organisms that possesses it use to move around.
Beethoven moved in 1792 to Vienna.
Taylor Swift is a country singer/songwriter. She writes her own songs just like beethoven did i guess. But she is WAY better than Beethoven in my opinion. Beethoven is BORING!
symphonies which where easy to remind
he was a pianist
because he was rejected almost everywhere he went.
Moonlight (Beethoven's Moonlight sonata for pianoforte)
you spelt 'breade' wrong; it's 'breed' not 'breade'...Just put a boy Pokemon and a girl Pokemon (who you think will get along and are the same type ((or is a ditto and a another Pokemon)) ) in the Pokemon daycare center in Solaceon town (northeast Harthome city) and while there talk to the guy (not the old lady; talk to her to leave your Pokemon there.) in the daycare center and he will give you a Poketch-app that lets you see the Pokemon you left there, and see what level they are, and when you see an egg between the two Pokemon, then go back and talk to the guy in front of the Pokemon daycare center and he will give you an egg from your Pokemon. Hop this helps!!! :) :D