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Q: What kind of a atom tends to lose one electron?
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What kind of a tomb tends to lose one electron?

An atom with single electron in its outermost shell

What of atom tends to lose one electron?

An atom that tends to lose one electron typically has fewer electrons than protons in its nucleus. These atoms are usually found in Group 1 or Group 2 of the periodic table, such as elements like sodium or magnesium. When they lose one electron, they form positively charged ions called cations.

True or false a sodium atom tends to lose one electron when it reacts?

True. Sodium typically has 11 protons and 11 electrons, but it tends to lose one electron to achieve a more stable electron configuration in its outer shell. This loss of an electron forms a positively charged sodium ion.

When a potassium atom reacts with a bromine atom the potassium atom will?

lose only one electron

What is likely to happen to an atom with one valence electron?

This atom lose an electron.

What do you think happens to the size of an atom when the atom lose an electron?

It shrinks loosing an electron.

What kind of charge do you get when you remove an electron from an atom?

Atoms lose electrons to form positively charged cations.

Is an atom of potassium most likely to become a cation or an anion?

An atom of potassium is most likely to become a cation. Potassium tends to lose one electron to achieve a stable electron configuration, forming a positively charged ion.

How Atoms can accept or lose electron's. If an atom loses an electron what will its resulting charge be?

Gain of an electron transform the atom in an anion.Loss of an electron transform the atom in a cation.

Would a chlorine atom lose electrons or gain electrons to become an atom?

A chlorine atom would gain one electron to become an ion because it tends to achieve a stable electron configuration by having a full outer shell of electrons.

Which part of atoms will form an ionic bond?

Atoms will form an ionic bond when one atom donates an electron to another atom. Typically, this occurs between a metal atom (which tends to lose electrons to form positive ions) and a non-metal atom (which tends to gain electrons to form negative ions).

What kind of ion forms when an electron is lost?

In an atom or molecule, the charge is generally neutral [balance between negative and positive charges].Since an electron is negative, if it is lost, then what's left is positive.If you lose one electron, the atom is now ION+1if you lose two electrons, the atom is now ION+2, etc.