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knees hips spine hands

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Q: What joint bares the most weight in the body?
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Related questions

What is the most injured joint in the body?

The knee is one of the most commonly injured joints in the body due to its weight-bearing nature and complex structure. Injuries can range from ligament tears (such as the ACL or MCL) to meniscus tears and cartilage damage.

What is the complex joint in the body?

The knee joint is likely the most complex in the body, followed by the shoulder joint.

What is largest joint in the body?

The knee joint is the largest and most extensive in the human body.

Which joint is most flexible?

The shoulder joint is considered the most flexible joint in the human body. It allows for a wide range of motion, including rotation, abduction, adduction, flexion, and extension. This flexibility is due to its unique structure and the surrounding muscles and ligaments that support it.

What joint is the most frequently used joint in your body?

hinge and pivot

Why are hip joints so important?

The hip joint is one of the most important joints in our body because it bears the body weight and the force of the strong muscles of the hip and the legs thereby stabilizing the body.

What is the most easily dislocated joint the the body?

The shoulder joint is the most easily dislocated joint in the body due to its wide range of motion and relatively shallow socket. It is common for the shoulder to dislocate when the arm is forced into an extreme position or experiences a sudden impact.

What joint in the body is most susceptible to sports injuries?

knee joint

What is the single most freely movable joint in the body?

The shoulder joint is the most freely movable joint in the body. It allows for a wide range of motion, including flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal rotation, and external rotation.

What is the largest and most complex synovial joint?

The largest and most complex synovial joint in the human body is the knee joint. It is classified as a hinge joint and allows for flexion and extension, as well as slight rotation. The knee joint is made up of the femur, tibia, and patella bones, as well as several ligaments and menisci to stabilize and support the joint.

What is the frequently used joint in your body?

Our wrists! It is also the most injured joint because of it's use.

What is the most common type of joint in the body?

Synovial joints