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they test the rim for burns

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Q: What jobs do people have if they live around a volcano?
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Can people live around a volcano?

I think it can not be acceptted.

Do people live near Kilauea volcano?

Yes, people do live near the Kilauea Volcano.

How many people live near the Tambora volcano?

It is difficult to provide an exact number as populations near the Tambora volcano can fluctuate. However, there are several villages and settlements located in close proximity to the volcano that may be at risk in the event of an eruption.

How many people live near the Mauna Loa volcano?

Approximately 20,000 people live near the Mauna Loa volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii. The volcano is located in a relatively remote area, with most residents living in nearby towns like Hilo and Kona.

How can people protect themselves from a volcano?

dont live near a volcano

What are the good things about a volcano?

They have extremely fertile soil, that is why so many people live around mount Vesuvius in Italy.

How many people live near mauna loa?

Around 30,000 people live near Mauna Loa on the Big Island of Hawaii. The closest town to the volcano is Hilo.

How are the people that live on Taal affected by the volcano?

because =)

Do people live on the Mauna Loa volcano?


What types of jobs are available in the local jobs forum?

The types of jobs available in local jobs forum are usually partime jobs offered to people that live around the area. These jobs can range from truck drivers, to telecomunicators as well as marketers.

In what geographic location within Illinois do the most people live and why?

Chicagoland and the reason they live there is jobs, jobs, jobs.

How many people live neaer mount pelee?

An estimated 13,000 people live near Mount Pelée in Martinique. The volcano's last major eruption in 1902 devastated the surrounding area and claimed the lives of around 30,000 people.