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The propulsion system in a rocket generates thrust to propel the rocket through the atmosphere and into space by expelling hot gases at high speeds in the opposite direction to create forward motion.

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Q: What job does the propulsion system in a rocket do?
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Is thrust on the rocket in the absence of gravitational force of attraction constant?

Yes, the thrust on the rocket remains constant in the absence of gravitational force. Thrust is the force pushing the rocket forward, generated by the propulsion system. It is independent of gravitational force.

How does a rocket explode?

A rocket can explode due to various reasons, such as malfunctioning hardware, fuel leaks, or improper handling. The most common cause is a failure in the propulsion system which can lead to an uncontrolled release of energy, resulting in an explosion. Additionally, external factors like extreme weather conditions or human error can also contribute to a rocket explosion.

What did Tsiolkovsky prove?

Tsiolkovsky, a Russian scientist, is known for his work in astronautics and rocketry. He formulated the rocket equation, which describes the physics of rocket propulsion. His theories laid the foundation for space exploration and the development of rocket technology.

What are the features a rocket would need to go to mars and how long would it take?

A rocket would need to have a powerful propulsion system, advanced life support systems, radiation shielding, a reliable communication system, and precision navigation capabilities to safely travel to Mars. The duration of the journey would depend on the specific trajectory chosen, but a typical trip from Earth to Mars takes around 6-9 months.

Can you make a rocket with a instant cold pack?

No, an instant cold pack contains chemicals that produce a cold reaction when activated, not the type of fuel needed for a rocket launch. Rocket propulsion requires specific types of fuel, oxidizer, and combustion mechanisms to generate the necessary thrust for liftoff.

Related questions

What has the author Elizabeth A Roncace written?

Elizabeth A. Roncace has written: 'In-situ propellant rocket engines for Mars mission ascent vehicle' -- subject(s): Mars atmosphere, Ascent propulsion systems, Propulsion system performance, Oxygen-hydrocarbon rocket engines, Propulsion system configurations

When was Rocket Propulsion Test Complex created?

Rocket Propulsion Test Complex was created in 1965.

Rocket propulsion is based on?

Newton's third law.

Who is the father of rocket propulsion?

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, a Russian scientist, is often considered to be the father of theoretical astronautics and rocketry. He laid down the mathematical foundation and principles for rocket propulsion in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

What shoulder fired grenade has a propulsion motor?

Rocket Propelled Grenade

Is propulsion a force?

Propulsion is the force that moves an object forward. It is the result of applying force to the object in the opposite direction it needs to move. For example, in a rocket, propulsion is generated by expelling propellant gases backwards, causing the rocket to move forward.

What will be produced when the rocket fuel is burnt?


Who was the father of modern rocket propulsion?

The father of modern rocket propulsion is considered to be Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, a Russian scientist and space pioneer who laid down the basic principles of rocket science. His work paved the way for the development of modern rocketry.

What is a rocket powered projectile called?

A rocket powered projectile is typically called a rocket or a missile. It is a self-propelled, guided projectile that uses rocket propulsion to fly.

What is the rocket engine used for?

the red rocket is used to rub for a splash of white fun. All other rocket engines are used for propulsion to gain lift.

Which of theses is a shoulder fired grenade with a propulsion motor?

Rocket Propelled Grenade

What forces would cause a rocket to fly upwards?

The main force causing a rocket to fly upwards is thrust, generated by the propulsion system. This force propels the rocket in the opposite direction of the exhaust gases expelled from the engine, overcoming gravity and enabling the rocket to ascend. Aerodynamic forces also play a role in stabilizing the rocket's flight path.