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The name of the muscle is gluteus maximus. This muscle gives shape to your hip.

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Q: What it s the most powerful hip extensor of the body?
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What is antagonist for hip extension?

hip extensor, gluteus maximus

What are the hip extensors and back extensors and shoulder extensors?

a muscle that extends or straighten a limb or body part is called extensor

Which nerve of the sacral plexus supplies an extensor of the hip?

Inferior gluteal nerve

Why are hip joints so important?

The hip joint is one of the most important joints in our body because it bears the body weight and the force of the strong muscles of the hip and the legs thereby stabilizing the body.

What muscle extands the hip?

its not a muscle more of a collection of them Many muscles are involved in extending the hip, including the gluteus maximus, semitendiunosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris and the adductor magnus.

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What muscles are used to extend the hip when climbing stairs?

Gluteus Maximus

Is the quadriseps an extensor and a flexor muscle?

The quadriceps perform knee extension, however, the rectus femoris, which is one of the 4 muscles of the quadriceps, also does hip flexion.

What acts as both a knee (leg) extensor and hip (thigh) flexior?

The three muscles that make up the hamstring muscle group: the bicep femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus and the rectus femoris, one of the quadriceps muscles, all act as knee extensors and hip flexors.

What is prime mover for a hip?

The prime mover for the hip is the gluteus maximus. It is the most powerful muscle responsible for extending the hip joint, moving the thigh backward.

Which is easier to replace hip of knee joint?

the easiest thing to replace a hip or knee joint is silver cause it does not react to the acids in your body unlike potassium which is the most reactive.

Which ligament is most important in preventing hyperextension of the hip joint?

The iliofemoral ligament, also known as the Y ligament of Bigelow, is the most important ligament in preventing hyperextension of the hip joint. It is the strongest ligament in the body and is crucial for providing stability to the hip joint during weight-bearing activities.