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Definatly the Sri Lanka tsunami of December 6th, 2004. Around 300,000 or more lives were lost that day. The wave ws caused by a 9.3 earthquake out at sea. The quakes original destruction number on the Richter scale was 9.0, however scientist have now concluded it is 9.3. Waves reached heights of over 90 feet, dstroying practically everything in there paths. Mant other places were hit by this disaster, but I would say sri lanka was hit the hardest. I believe there was three waves, each one only twenty minutes apart. while hundreds of thousands were dead, millions were left homeless. This was not the tallest tsunami in history, however it was definatly the most destructive, and deadly. The tallest recorded tsunami was in Lituya Bay Slaska with a stunning height of 1742 feet. This megatsunami was caused by an underwater landslide.

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12y ago
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1mo ago

Both hurricanes and tsunamis can be extremely destructive natural disasters, but they have different characteristics. Hurricanes are powerful storms that bring strong winds and heavy rainfall, causing flooding and damage over a large area. Tsunamis are a series of powerful waves caused by underwater earthquakes, landslides, or volcanic eruptions, which can travel long distances and cause widespread devastation along Coastlines. The impact of each can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the event.

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13y ago

It is difficult to compare but Tsunamis are often deadlier than hurricanes and typically leave much less time to prepare.

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Q: What is worst a hurricane or tsunami?
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Is a storm worse than a hurricane?

No. A hurricane is a kind of storm and is one of the worst kinds if not the worst.

Was hurricane Hugo one of the worst hurricane ever?


Which lasts longer a tsunami or a hurricane?

A hurricane lasts longer. A tsunami can cross the entire Pacific Ocean in about a day. After all portions of a tsunami have hit land it will have largely dissipated. By contrast, a hurricane moves much slower over the ocean and can easily last for over a week.

Where did hurricane sandy hit the worst?

The worst impacts of Hurricane Candy were in New Jersey and New York.

Was hurricane Andrew the worst storm?


Related questions

Is a tsunami a hurricane in the water?

No. A hurricane on water is simply a hurricane. Tsunami is a large wave triggered by an underwater disturbance such as an earthquake. A hurricane is a type of storm.

Was hurricane Agnes the worst hurricane?

Hurricane Agnes was a significant hurricane that hit the United States in 1972, causing widespread flooding and damage. While it was a significant storm, it is not considered the worst hurricane in history. The title of "worst hurricane" can vary depending on different factors such as the amount of damage caused, number of casualties, and other impacts.

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Where are the worst winds in a hurricane found?

The worst winds in a hurricane is inside the eye of the hurricane.

What was the worst hurricane in the Atlantic basin?

The Great Hurricane of 1780 is considered the deadliest hurricane on record in the Atlantic basin, with estimated fatalities ranging from 22,000 to 27,500. It struck the Lesser Antilles, causing widespread destruction and loss of life.

Which would do more damage a tsunami or a hurricane?

They are about the same, but if I had to say: Tsunami.

Is the hurricane bong made of the same glass as the tsunami bong?

The Hurricane is made of high-quality stress-free glass but is much more expensive. The Tsunami is made of German shott glass, which according to the Tsunami pamphlets is 'unbreakable' When compared to the hurricane the tsunami glass is superior.

Which weather is bad tsunami a tornado or a hurricane?

A tsunami is caused by underwater seismic activity, leading to large ocean waves that can cause significant damage. Tornadoes are violent rotating columns of air that can devastate areas they hit. Hurricanes are powerful tropical cyclones with strong winds and heavy rainfall that can cause widespread destruction. Each of these weather phenomena can be dangerous, but the impact they have depends on various factors such as location and intensity.

When was Hurricane Katrina and the Boxing Day tsunami?

Hurricane Katrina occurred in August 2005, affecting the Gulf Coast of the United States, particularly New Orleans. The Boxing Day tsunami took place on December 26, 2004, impacting countries around the Indian Ocean with devastating consequences.

Is a tsunami caused by a hurricane?

no, a tsunami is caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water.

What was the most destructive hurricane in the world?

the worst hurricane is hurricane Katrina