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The white powder is likely phosphorus. When phosphorus is burned in air, it produces white fumes and eventually turns into phosphorus pentoxide, which appears as a red powder.

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Q: What is white powder if you burn it and it turns red?
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How can you find out if salt is acidic or basic with the help of turmeric powder?

Turmeric powder is commonly used as an indicator. When added to a substance, it turns red in the presence of a base and yellow in the presence of an acid. To test if salt is acidic or basic, mix a small amount of turmeric powder with water and add a pinch of the salt. If the turmeric turns red, the salt is basic; if it turns yellow, the salt is acidic.

When a small amount of white powder was shaken with distilled water in a test tube powder sank bottom when drops of universal indicator were added it turn red?

The white powder is likely to be a base as it sank to the bottom when mixed with distilled water. The red color observed after adding universal indicator indicates that the solution became acidic. This suggests that the white powder was an insoluble base that released a basic solution when mixed with water, which turned acidic upon adding the indicator.

What happens to red litmus paper if dipped in water?

Red litmus paper remains red when dipped in water. Litmus paper is used to test for acidity or basicity, and red litmus paper turns blue in basic solutions. If the water being tested is neither acidic nor basic, the red litmus paper will not change color.

Why does water turn red when you put washing powder and turmeric powder in it?

I dont know but i want the answer from wikipedia

Do Red unscented candles burn faster than White unscented candles?

The color of the candle does not impact its burn rate. Other factors such as size, wax composition, wick thickness, and environmental conditions play a bigger role in determining burn speed.

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The white powder that turns orange in Benedict's solution is glucose. Benedict's reagent contains copper ions which can be reduced by glucose, resulting in a color change from blue to orange-red.

Why do flames have red orange and yellow?

the flames can be different colors. it just depends on what you burn. fireworks for instance if it is red copper is what burning. If you burn colored news paper it turns green.The hottest fire is white fire.

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Red phosphorus powder can be made by heating white phosphorus in the absence of air at a temperature of around 250 degrees Celsius. This process causes the white phosphorus to undergo a chemical transformation, turning it into red phosphorus powder.

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Is lamb white meat?

No, lamb (and adult, "mutton") is considered red meat.

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They are equivalent in this regard.

How can you find out if salt is acidic or basic with the help of turmeric powder?

Turmeric powder is commonly used as an indicator. When added to a substance, it turns red in the presence of a base and yellow in the presence of an acid. To test if salt is acidic or basic, mix a small amount of turmeric powder with water and add a pinch of the salt. If the turmeric turns red, the salt is basic; if it turns yellow, the salt is acidic.

Why does the sky turns red?

The sky turns red because the sun shines through the clouds and make the clouds seem red when they are just white like normal clouds

What is an animal that is black white and red?

a panda or zebra with a sun burn

What is color of sodium phosphate?

Sodium phosphate is a white crystalline solid that is colorless or appears as a white powder.

A pupil puts a red filter in the ray of white light what happens to the spectrum?

the whole spectrum turns red.