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A wax taper is a thin wax-coated string used as a candle. When ignited, the wax melts and the wick burns, providing a small, steady flame.

The physical reaction to a firework involves a rapid chemical reaction within the firework's shell. When ignited, the gunpowder and other chemicals in the firework combust, producing heat, light, sound, and gas that propel the firework into the air and create the colorful display we see.

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Q: What is wax taper and the physical reaction to a firework?
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What is the physical change in a wax taper when ligting a firwork?

When lighting a firework with a wax taper, the physical change in the wax taper is the melting of the wax due to the heat from the flame. The solid wax turns into a liquid form as it absorbs heat energy, making it easier to transfer the flame to the firework.

What will happen if you light wax taper with fireworks?

The wax melts

When a wax taper is used to light a firework is it a chemical or physical change?

Phisical re action: when the wax turns to liquid when the liquid cools down it turns to solid which goes back to its own form again soryy i don't know the chemical reaction

What is wax taper?

A wax taper is a type of candle that is long and slender, typically used for lighting purposes. It is made by dipping a wick repeatedly into melted wax to create a taper shape. Wax tapers are often used in ceremonies, religious rituals, or as decorative lighting.

What is the chemical change when a wax taper is lit?

When a wax taper is lit, a chemical change called combustion occurs. Combustion is a rapid chemical reaction between a fuel (in this case, the wax) and an oxidant (usually oxygen in the air) that produces heat and light energy. In the case of a wax taper, the wax molecules break down into smaller molecules like carbon dioxide and water vapor, releasing energy in the form of heat and light.

What chemical change happens when you lite a firework with wax paper?

When you light a firework with wax paper, the heat from the flame causes the wax to melt and burn. This chemical change releases energy in the form of heat and light, igniting the firework composition inside the firework casing. The combustion reactions in the firework composition generate gases and produce the colorful light and loud sounds associated with fireworks.

A melting candle demonstrates which reaction?

A melting candle is an example of a physical change, not a chemical reaction. The process involves a solid candle turning into liquid wax due to the application of heat, with no change in the chemical composition of the wax molecules.

What is a wax taper?

It is a long thin wax candle, the kind you see in carefully posed photographs of thanksgiving suppers.

What physical and chemical changes occur when a wax candle burn?

Some wax burns, and as it does so, chemical changes occurs. Wax converts to CO2, CO, and H2O. That is an exothermic reaction The rest of the wax melts with the increased temperature. That is the physical change.

Is wax melting an irreversible reaction?

Wax melting is a reversible physical change, not a chemical reaction. When wax melts, it changes from a solid to a liquid state due to the application of heat. Once the heat is removed, the liquid wax will solidify back into a solid form without undergoing any chemical changes.

What is melting physical proreties of wax but frammabillty is a change propeties?

Melting is a physical property because it only changes the physical state of the substance, such as wax, but does not change its physical or chemical properties. This is because melting is not a chemical reaction. Flammability, however, is a chemical property, and when a substance burns, that is a chemical reaction, and the physical and chemical properties of the products will be different than the reactants (starting substances).

Whay is melting physical proreties of wax but frammabillty is a change propeties?

Melting is a physical property because it only changes the physical state of the substance, such as wax, but does not change its physical or chemical properties. This is because melting is not a chemical reaction. Flammability, however, is a chemical property, and when a substance burns, that is a chemical reaction, and the physical and chemical properties of the products will be different than the reactants (starting substances).