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Q: What is variation of pressure with height in liquid column?
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Why does the height of the liquid column in a barometer changes as atmospheric pressure changes?

The height of the liquid column in a barometer changes as atmospheric pressure changes because atmospheric pressure exerts force on the liquid in the barometer tube. As atmospheric pressure increases, it pushes the liquid column higher to maintain balance. Conversely, as atmospheric pressure decreases, the liquid column falls due to reduced pressure pushing up from below.

Why does the height of the column in a barometer changes as atmospheric pressure changes?

As the atmospheric pressure changes, the force pushing on the surface of the liquid changes. Therefore,the height of the liquid in the tube increases as the atmospheric pressure increases.

What is the relationship between liquid pressure and depth of a liquid?

As the depth of the fluid increases, the pressure increases. To explain this mathematicaly you consider the Sg of the fluid times the height of the column multiplied by gravity will give you the pressure at the base of the column

What would the pressure be in a liquid contained in a vertical tube sealed at the top with a submerged open bottom be?

It would be the same as the pressure in the liquid outside the tube at the open end- the deeper it is in the liquid, the higher the pressure.

What is the meaning mm Aq?

"mm Aq" stands for millimeters of water column, which is a unit used to measure pressure or fluid column height in a liquid. It is commonly used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure.

Convert meter liquid column to bar?

The pressure of a liquid column of height h ("h meter liquid column) is: P = ρ*g*h [Bar], where ρ is the density of the liquid g is the gravitational acceleration (on Earth, in average 9.80665 m/s2)

How do you calculate liquid force?

Liquid force, also known as hydrostatic pressure, can be calculated using the formula: Pressure = density of liquid x gravitational acceleration x height of liquid column. It represents the force exerted by a liquid at a certain depth due to its weight.

What effect does the size of the container have on the pressure of the liquid at its bottom?

The size of the container does not have a direct impact on the pressure of the liquid at its bottom. Pressure at the bottom of a liquid is determined by the height of the liquid column above that point and the density of the liquid. These factors are independent of the container's size.

How do you calculate the liquid pressure?

Liquid pressure can be calculated using the formula P = ρgh, where P is the pressure, ρ is the density of the liquid, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the liquid column. This formula is derived from the hydrostatic pressure equation.

What Difference between the dry and wet column pressure drop at fixed flow conditions?

The dry column pressure drop refers to the pressure drop across the column when no liquid is present, while the wet column pressure drop refers to the pressure drop when the column is flooded with liquid. The wet column pressure drop is typically higher than the dry column pressure drop at fixed flow conditions because the presence of the liquid adds additional resistance to flow, increasing pressure drop.

Why do you think water from the different holes have different trajectories?

the trajectory of water is used as indicator of pressure. The longer the trajectory, the greater is the pressure at that point of the liquid column. Water pressure at any point in a closed container is dependent on the height of the liquid above it.

Explain hydrostatic pressure?

Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure exerted on a fluid at rest due to the weight of the fluid above it. It is directly proportional to the depth of the fluid and the density of the fluid. In a column of fluid, the pressure increases with increasing depth due to the weight of the fluid above pushing down.