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Q: What is two plate slides past each other they form a?
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What type of plate boundary does pacific and N American plate form?

The Pacific Plate and the North American Plate form a transform plate boundary where they slide past each other horizontally. This boundary is known as the San Andreas Fault system in California.

What happens when to plate move toward each other?

When tectonic plates move toward each other, it results in a convergent boundary. As the plates collide, one plate may be forced beneath the other in a process called subduction, while another may crumple and form mountain ranges. Earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the creation of ocean trenches or mountain ranges can occur at these convergent boundaries.

Which of the following factors is most important when determining the types of boundary that forms when two lithospheric plate collide?

The most important factor when determining the types of boundaries that form when two lithospheric plates collide is the relative motion between the plates. Depending on whether the plates are moving towards each other, away from each other, or past each other, different types of boundaries like convergent, divergent, or transform boundaries will form.

At what type of boundaries do subduction zones form?

Subduction zones form at convergent plate boundaries where one tectonic plate is forced beneath another plate. This process occurs when one plate is denser than the other, causing it to sink into the mantle and creating a subduction zone.

Why are most volcanoes located near a fault?

Most volcanoes form at either convergent or divergent plate boundaries. Volcanoes at convergent plate boundaries form when one plate slides under another, taking seawater with it. This causes the rock in the mantle to melt as the melting point drops. This new magma can rise to form volcanoes.At divergent plate boundaries the crust is thing, which lowers pressure on the mantle, causing some material to melt.

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Was there an earthquake in Italy and why?

Yes. There have been many earthquakes in Italy. Italy is located north of a plater boundary where part of the African Plate slides under the Eurasian Plate. Tension builds up between the plates as they "snag" on each other and is relseased in the form of earthquakes.

How do plate movements form oceans trenches?

As plates move toward each other, one plate sinks under the other plate.

How did the San Andreas system form?

It's the 'junction' between two tectonic plates. The Pacific plate (west of the fault) slides in a northwest direction - and the North American plate slides relatively southeast due to plate tectonics.

Which plates slipped past each other to form the earthquakes in japan?

The Asian plate and the Pacific plate.

What type of plate boundary does pacific and N American plate form?

The Pacific Plate and the North American Plate form a transform plate boundary where they slide past each other horizontally. This boundary is known as the San Andreas Fault system in California.

Why is Pacific Ocean ideal of Tsunamis?

The pacific plate slides across the North American plate for example, which causes tsunamis to form do to underwater earthquakes

How can a folded mountain happen in the middle of a tectonic plate?

The tectonic plate boundaries come together and push up on each other to form mountains.

What happens when to plate move toward each other?

When tectonic plates move toward each other, it results in a convergent boundary. As the plates collide, one plate may be forced beneath the other in a process called subduction, while another may crumple and form mountain ranges. Earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the creation of ocean trenches or mountain ranges can occur at these convergent boundaries.

What type of movement occurs at each plate boundary?

At divergent plate boundaries, plates move away from each other, leading to the formation of new crust. At convergent plate boundaries, plates move towards each other, often resulting in subduction or mountain formation. At transform plate boundaries, plates slide past each other horizontally, causing earthquakes.

How does the Earth's plate's move?

Tectonic plates move due to the high pressure of the hot earth's core jostling them around. There are 4 ways that plates can move: 1) They bump straight into each other 2) one slides under the other 3) they slide past each other 4) they move apart (callled constructive) which allows new plates to form. These can all cause earthquakes and volcanoes to erupt.

A transform boundary is when one plate?

Convergent plates are two tectonic plates that are colliding as they move toward each other. There are several types of converging plate boundaries.Oceanic to oceanic plate convergence:Where an oceanic plate collides with another oceanic plate, the more dense plate sub ducts into the mantle. The subduction results in the partial melting of lithospheric rocks above the area of the subduction, causing underwater volcanoes to form. If the volcanoes grow to reach the surface, volcanic arc islands are formed.Oceanic to continental plate convergence:Where an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate, the oceanic plate is subducted due to the fact that it is more dense, which can also cause volcanism and mountain building.Continental to continental plate convergence:Where two continental plates collide, neither subducts into the mantle, the crust is thickened, and mountain ranges are formed from the thickening and uplift.

Can plate tectonics form earthquake and how?

the plates grind up against each other sending sending shock waves