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Precise detailed study of the surface features of a region.

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Gwendolyn Nicolas

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2y ago
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Q: What is topographic map useful for?
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Why would a topographic map be useful to you?

The topographic map shows the whole layout of an area. you could actually picture the area.

Whether a topographic map or a geologic map would be most useful for drilling a water well?

i choose topographic map because it indicate cultural features such as roads,cities,dams,and other structures built by people

The major difference between a topographic map and other maps is that a topographic map shows .?

A topographical map shows elevations. They are more useful than other types of maps when looking for information about landforms, their locations, and their heights.

What is a sentence with Topographic map?

What I need is a topographic map!

What kind of map shows the topographic features of an area?

a topographic map

A map that shows how the land looks like is called?

I believe it is a Thematic map.

What type of map is most useful for describing the terrain of a very hilly lot?

A topographic map would be most useful for describing the terrain of a very hilly lot. Topographic maps show the elevation and relief of the land through contour lines, making them ideal for accurately representing the hills and valleys of a hilly lot.

What map shows earths surface features and elevation?

A topographical map.

Which of the maps show the three dimensions of earths surface?

Topographic map

What are some sentence examples using the word topographic map in a sentence?

The hiker used a topographic map to navigate through the rugged terrain of the mountain. The geologist studied the topographic map to identify different landforms in the area. The urban planner used a topographic map to assess the elevation changes in the city for infrastructure planning. The military strategist relied on the topographic map to plan the troop movements in the region.

A topographic map differs from a road map in the topographic map shows?

A topographic map shows equal lines of elevation, in set distances which can vary between maps (dependent on the grade of elevation change). elevation,relief,and slope.

What is a good sentence for topographic map?

My Friend Does Not Know What The Word Topographic Map Means. Hope Tha Helped