Air distance from Reykjavik to New York
Distance from Reykjavik, Iceland to New York, New York USA is 2623.3 Miles
( 4221.9 Kilometers / 2278.1 Nautical Miles )
Reykjavik coordinates:
latitude: 64° 09' North
longitude: 21° 58' West
New York coordinates:
latitude: 40° 44' North
longitude: 73° 55' West
Time difference between Reykjavik and New York is -4:0 hrs
From the 1st Sun. of Nov. until the 2nd Sun. of March, Iceland is 5 hrs. ahead of New York.
From the 2nd Sun. of March until the 1st Sun. of Nov., Iceland is 4 hrs. ahead of New York.
The time difference between New York, USA, and Ireland is typically 5 hours. New York is 5 hours behind Ireland.
Generally speaking, Ireland is GMT +0 and New York is GMT -5, so there are five hours difference between Ireland and New York with Ireland being ahead.Note that daylight savings is not applied and removed on the same dates in New York and Ireland, so the time difference can shorten to 4 hours or lengthen to six hours during the periods where one country may be applying daylight savings time but the other is not.
Philadelphia and New York are in the same time zone, Eastern Standard Time (EST) or Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) depending on the season. There is no time difference between the two cities.
The time difference between New York standard time (EST) and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is 5 hours. EST is 5 hours behind GMT.
No, both New York and North Carolina are in the Eastern Time Zone, so there is no time difference between the two states.
Mobile, Alabama is in the Central Time Zone (CT) while New York is in the Eastern Time Zone (ET). The time difference between Mobile and New York is 1 hour, with New York being ahead of Mobile.
Ireland is 5 hours ahead of New York.
7:30 AM in Buffalo = 12:30 PM in Ireland There is a five hour time difference between New York and Ireland. 6 AM in Buffalo NY = 11 AM in Ireland
Generally speaking, Ireland is GMT +0 and New York is GMT -5, so there are five hours difference between Ireland and New York with Ireland being ahead.Note that daylight savings is not applied and removed on the same dates in New York and Ireland, so the time difference can shorten to 4 hours or lengthen to six hours during the periods where one country may be applying daylight savings time but the other is not.
Difference in local time in Adelaide and Singapore
New York is 5 hours behind Dublin in Ireland.
there is a 1 hour time difference
There is never a time difference between New York and Rhode Island.
The time difference between New York and California is 3 hours.
how far is it from Ireland to New York how far is it from Ireland to New York how far is it from Ireland to New York
time difference between Manzanillo Mexico and New York
Ireland is at (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT. US Eastern Time is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -5 hours, ie. 5 hours behind Greenwich, England. New York City is 5 hours behind Ireland. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)
There is never a time difference between the U. S. states of Georgia and New York.