Crayfish have an exoskeleton, meaning that their support structure is found on the outside of their body. The skeleton is composed of one large body covering that is scleritized (hardened) in some places and left unslceritized (flexible) in others to allow for movement at joints. Humans have an endoskeleton, meaning that their support structure is found internally. The skeleton is made of hard bones that are held together at the joints by ligaments and muscles.
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the man is taller
Because they both have the same number of bones
A humans skeleton is like a frogs skeleton because they both have a spine and femurs.
they have the same number of bones
Bones of the limbs are enlarged or fused in frog. The fibula and tibia are fused to a so-called tibiofibula and the ulna and radius are fused and are called radioulna. The vertebrals of frogs are compressed and they lack tailbone, unlike most vertebrates. Another difference is the pelvis of frogs, wich has a triple forked structure.
Humans don't have the same skeletons as frog, but there are many points of similarity, such as spinal column, ribs, pelvis, leg and arm bones, fingers, etc. Why are they similar? Becasue frogs and huimans are descended from common ancestrors that lived many millions of years ago.
Some of the same bones exist in frogs as in humans and in the same places. They also have some of the same internal organs. Their bone marrow also produces the red and white blood cells needed.
1. A crab has an exoskeleton, i.e. a skeleton which lies outside of its body A human has an endoskeleton, i.e. a skeleton which lies inside of its body
2. The human skeleton is capable of growing as the human does
A crab's exoskeleton does not grow therefore the animal must shed (or moult) its skeleton to grow
3. The human skeleton is made up of bones
The crab's skeleton is made of sections
4. The crab's exoskeleton is hardened by chitin (calcium carbonate)
Human skeletons are hardened by calcium
5. The functions of the crab's exoskeleton are protection (defense against predators), excretion, sensation, support, feeding and preventing desiccation (dehydration or drying out)
The functions of the human skeleton are support, protection of vital organs, movement, mineral storage, and blood cell production
fish have scales and crabs have a shell
Crabs can vary in size and weight, but they are not typically considered "fat" in the same way that humans are. They have a hard exoskeleton that can make them appear bulky, but this structure is essential for their protection and mobility.
Organisms such as insects, crustaceans (e.g. crabs, lobsters), and arachnids (e.g. spiders, scorpions) have an exoskeleton. This external skeleton provides support and protection for their bodies.
The collective noun for mud crabs is a "cast" of crabs.
Crabs in the coral reef are typically eaten by predators such as octopuses, eels, groupers, and larger fish. Some birds and even humans also feed on crabs found in coral reef ecosystems.
Crabs have no inner skeleton like humans do so the shell is its skeleton but on the outside of its body. The shell protects the crab from injury.
Crabs have no inner skeleton like humans do so the shell is its skeleton but on the outside of its body. The shell protects the crab from injury.
Skeletons:All animals, including humans have skeletons. Humans have an internal skeleton. This means that our bones is on the inside of us. When an animal has an external skeleton it means that their skeleton is on the outside. These animals who have an external skeleton have what we commonly call shells. These shells are their skeleton which keeps their insides together. If you think of one of those big crabs and how there is a shell on the outside of them (not sea shells) this is their skeleton which is an external skeleton.
an octopus has a squishy outer layer and a crab has a hard shell to protect it. the crab has claws to catch its food and an octopus has suckers to latch on to its prey. an octopus can also squeeze into really small spaces because it can move its skin and shrinks down to size. that is the difference between a crab and an octopus.
No. Crabs do not have an internal skeleton (endoskeleton). They have only an external skeleton (exoskeleton) that does not have any ribs.
on their back !
Land Crabs live on land and Marine crabs live in water.
There is no difference in size between female and male hermit crabs.
no they do not have an internal skeleton in order to grow they switch their shells
fish have scales and crabs have a shell
well mostly the difference between crabs and hermit crabs is that one is not born with a shell and one is. Also hermit crabs tend to be smaller
Pigeons crap on statues, crabs don't.