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Q: What is the year length to get to mars?
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What is the length of one year on planet mars?

The length of year on Mars is 686.98 Earth days or 1.88 Earth years.

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What is the length of year for planet Mars?

Mars period of revolution around the sun, its orbit, is 686.971 Earth days long, or 1.88 Earth years.

How does the length of a year on Mars compare with the length of year on Earth?

Mars, with a orbital period of around 687 days, almost two Earth years (1.88 earth years).

How long does it take mars to travel around the sun?

The length of the Martian Year is 1.88 times the length of Earth's year.

Length of one year in Mars time?

687 Earth days

Which planet has a year which is twice the length of an earth year?

Mars with an orbital period of 1.88 years.

How does the length of a year on mars compare with the length of a year on Earth?

A year on Mars is about 687 Earth days long, which is roughly 1.88 times longer than a year on Earth. This is because Mars takes longer to orbit the sun due to its greater distance from the sun compared to Earth.

Which planet has a similar length of day as Earth?

Mars. Although its year is significantly longer than an Earth year (time taken to orbit the Sun), its day length is very similar. It's slightly longer at about 24 hours and 37 mins. (That is the time taken for the planet to spin once on its axis, called a "sidereal" day.)

What is the length of years of Mars?

1 year on mars is equal to 687 earth days even though the days on mars are about about the same time period hope this helps :)

What is the length Mars' revolution?

1.88 earth years is equal to one Martian year

What is the length of 1 year on the planet mars?

One martian year is roughly 687 earth days long.