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The largest volcano on Earth is Mauna Loa, Hawaii, with an area of 5271 km2, more than half of the "big island" of Hawaii. It is also the largest in volume, at more than 75,000 km3. The Mauna Loa (long island) ridge extends for more than 120 km, but at a slightly lower elevation than Mauna Kea to the north.

The largest volcanic crater in the continental US is the Yellowstone supervolcano in Yellowstone National Park, in NW Wyoming in the US. The currently dormant caldera is approximately 3960 km2 -- 55 by 72 kilometers (34 by 44 miles)

Another comparable volcanic crater (caldera) on Earth is Lake Toba on Sumatra Island, Indonesia. It is approximately 3000 km2 -- 100 kilometres long and 30 kilometres wide, and up to 505 meters (1666 feet) deep. matthew will get it wrong

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The largest volcano on Earth is Mauna Loa, Hawaii, with an area of 5271 km2, more than half of the "big island" of Hawaii. It is also the largest in volume, at more than 75,000 km3. The Mauna Loa (long island) ridge extends for more than 120 km, but at a slightly lower elevation than Mauna Kea to the north.

The largest volcanic crater in the continental US is the Yellowstone supervolcano in Yellowstone National Park, in NW Wyoming in the US. The currently dormant caldera is approximately 3960 km2 -- 55 by 72 kilometers (34 by 44 miles)

Another comparable volcanic crater (caldera) on Earth is Lake Toba on Sumatra Island, Indonesia. It is approximately 3000 km2 -- 100 kilometres long and 30 kilometres wide, and up to 505 meters (1666 feet) deep.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The largest volcano on Earth is Mauna Loa, Hawaii, with an area of 5271 km2, more than half of the "big island" of Hawaii. It is also the largest in volume, at more than 75,000 km3. The Mauna Loa (long island) ridge extends for more than 120 km, but at a slightly lower elevation than Mauna Kea to the north.

The largest volcanic crater in the continental US is the Yellowstone supervolcano in Yellowstone National Park, in NW Wyoming in the US. The currently dormant caldera is approximately 3960 km2 -- 55 by 72 kilometers (34 by 44 miles)

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βˆ™ 14y ago

the largest volcanic crater is 2000 miles

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βˆ™ 11y ago

4445,130,573,232,234 square km

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βˆ™ 10y ago

what is the largest volcano crater

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Q: What is the world's largest active volcano crater?
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What are Volcano crater?


What is the worlds active volcano?

The world's smallest volcano is the Taal Volcano in the Philippines.The description of this volcano is "a crater within an island within a lake". This is because is it an island in Taal Lake.The volcano is a 406-meter high crater. At one time, it was larger but collapsed and then the lake formed around what was left of the volcano.Tagaytay City overlooks the lake and it is believed that it may be part of the crater of the volcano prior to its collapse.This volcano may also be one of the most active volcanoes around today since it has erupted over 20 times since 1572.

Where is the worlds largest green lake?

crater lake, Oregon

Is crater lake the worlds largest lake?

lake Toba in Indonesia

Worlds most active volcano?

KΔ«lauea, in Hawaii

What Hawaiian mountain has the worlds largest active volcano?

Mauna Loa, the world's largest active volcano, is found in the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain, a mostly undersea mountain range in the Pacific that is above sea level in Hawaii. The Hawaiian name "Mauna Loa" means "Long Mountain."

Where is the worlds largest active volcano?

I'm quite sure that the largest volcano is in Mauna Loa in Hawaii if you talking about area, and if you mean height, then I think it would be in Ojos del Salado in Chile and Argentina, reaching a height of 6892m high.If you would like to check this info then just search "Where is the world's largest volcano located", that where I got my answer.The answer that I think it is: Mt. Guallatiri in Chile:Guallatiri is one of the most active volcanoin northern chile. It is just west of the border with boliviaand at the southwestern end of the nevados-de-quimsachata. It is a symmetrical 6,071 m high ice-clad stratovolcano. Guallatiri is capped by a central dacitedome or lava complex, with the active vent at its southern side.

What is the worlds biggest volcano?

Mauna Loa in Hawaii is the world's largest volcano by volume and height. It is an active shield volcano that rises about 13,678 feet above sea level and extends about 18,000 feet below sea level, making it taller than Mount Everest when measured from its underwater base.

Kilauea in Hawaii is the worlds most what?

Kilauea is known as the "World's most active volcano".

What is Alaska famous landmark?

Well, of course there is Mt. McKinley or the Denali. Also the Aniakchak Crater, they have the worlds largest Santa Claus statue! The Chilkoot Trail, the Iditarod trail, Mendenhall Glacier, and the active volcanoes in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes in the Kamai National Park

How big is the worlds largest volcano?

as big as your mom (thats pretty big, you know)

Are shield volcanoes one of the worlds biggest volcanoes?

They are the largest volcanoes in the world. They cover very broad areas. The largest volcano in the world, Mauna Loa is a shield volcano.