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On average, an adult human brain weighs about 3 pounds (1.4 kilograms).

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Q: What is the weight of mans brain?
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What is the heaviest mans weight?

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The estimated weight of a whale's brain is 7800g.

What is the weight of brain?

The weight of the brain is 1 and a half kilo grams.

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The average brain weight for horses is around 532 grams.

How much does fishes brain weigh?

The weight of a fish brain varies by the species of fish. In general the weight of a fish brain is equal to 1 percent of their body weight.

How much does a fish brain weigh?

The weight of a fish brain varies by the species of fish. In general the weight of a fish brain is equal to 1 percent of their body weight.

How haevy is the average tenneagers brain weight?

The average weight of a teenager's brain is around 1.3 kilograms, which is roughly 2-3% of their total body weight. Brain weight can vary depending on factors such as age, gender, and overall brain development.

How does the weight of your skin compare with the weight of your brain?

The weight of an adult human brain is around 3 pounds, while the weight of skin can vary but is estimated to be around 16% of body weight. Therefore, the weight of skin is typically much higher than the weight of the brain.

What are the long term effects of boxing?

there are many effects of boxing such as brain damage and black mans nose