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Q: What is the wave is most damaging to humans?
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What type of seismic wave is most damaging to structures?

L Waves (Love Waves)

What waves is the slowest and most damaging capable of crumbling buildings of an earthquake?

Surface waves, particularly Love waves and Rayleigh waves, are the slowest type of seismic waves during an earthquake. They are responsible for causing the most damage, as they travel along the ground surface, creating horizontal and vertical shaking that can contribute to the structural failure of buildings.

The radiation that is most damaging to humans is?

Ionizing radiation, such as gamma rays, x-rays, and cosmic rays, is most damaging to humans because it has enough energy to remove tightly bound electrons from atoms, causing damage to DNA and cells. This can lead to effects such as mutations, cancer, and cell death. It is important to minimize exposure to ionizing radiation to reduce health risks.

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How can you measure how much humans are damaging the atmosphere?

Humans dont waste nergyy, thankyou

How dangerous or damaging are volcanoes typically for humans?

Volcanoes can be dangerous for humans due to hazards such as lava flows, pyroclastic explosions, ashfall, and mudflows. The level of danger varies depending on the type of volcanic eruption and the proximity of human populations to the volcano. Volcanic eruptions can result in loss of life, destruction of property, and disruption of communities.

What is the type of electromagnetic wave that we have the most experience with?

Visible light is the type of electromagnetic wave that humans have the most experience with. It is the range of wavelengths that our eyes can detect and is responsible for enabling us to see colors and the world around us.

Is ladybugs helpful to humans?

Ladybugs are indeed helpful to humans, because they eat aphids, and aphids are damaging to many plants that we humans like to grow.

What radiation is the most damaging to humans?

Ionizing radiation, such as gamma rays, X-rays, and certain particles, is the most damaging to humans. It has enough energy to ionize atoms and break chemical bonds in our cells, leading to DNA damage and potential long-term health effects like cancer. Protecting against exposure to ionizing radiation is crucial to minimize its harmful effects on human health.

What type of tornado is the most damaging?

The F5 (or EF5 as of February 2007) tornado is the most damaging category.

What is ultrasonic wave?

An ultrasonic wave is a sound pressure wave that has a very high frequency. The frequency is higher that what humans can hear.