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Q: What is the volume of the total amount of exchangeable air for a healthy young adult male?
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Air remaining lungs after forced expiration?

The air that can not be exhaled is called residual volume.TV = the amount of air displaced during normal breathing.IRV = The amount of air that can be taken in forcibly beyond tidal volumeErv= The amount of that can be expelled forcibly.Vital capacity = the total amount of exchangeable air.Total Lung capacity = TV + IRV + ERV + RESIDUAL VOLUME

Volume of air that can be expired forcibely after a normal expiration?

About 3100 ml in a healthy young adult male.

How many calories a day is healthy diet?

About 2500 is a good amount for ahealthy Adult

What is the average stroke volume in an adult at rest?

The average stroke volume in an adult at rest is around 70 milliliters per beat. This represents the amount of blood pumped out by the heart with each contraction when the body is at rest.

What is the maximum amount of sodium a healthy American adult should eat per day?

About One Teaspoon

Could you get lazy from watching tv for 30mins?

no the healthy average amount an adult should be watching is about 2 hours

What is average tidal volume of the lungs in children and adults?

Normal tidal volume is about 500ml in a healthy young adult.

What refers to the amount of blood in the a body averaging 6 to 8 percent of total body weight for an adult human?

blood volume

The refers to the amount of blood in the body averaging 6 to 8 percent of total body weight for an adult human?

blood volume

How often does the total volume of blood circulate through the system'?

blood is pumped by a heart through vessels ....mean the volume of blood circulates faster (20 seconds in humans,

What is refers to the amount of blood in a body averaging 6 to 8 percent of total body weight for an adult human?

blood volume

Is it healthy for adult to fantasize about meeting unattainable person?

NOO!! Is not healthy at all!