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a decrease in the wavelength of radiation emitted by a celestial body as a consequence of the doppler effect

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3mo ago

The violet shift refers to the shifting of spectral lines towards shorter wavelengths in the spectrum of a celestial object. This can occur when an object is moving away from an observer. In the context of cosmology, it is a key piece of evidence supporting the expansion of the universe.

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Why hypsochromic shift is known as blue shift but not violet shift?

hypsochromic (blue) shift

Is the big bang theory supported by the blue violet shift?

Outside of our Local Group, no galaxy gives off light that exhibits a blue-shift. You most likely meant to say "red shift."

What happens to light waves along the visible spectrum moving from red to violet?

As light waves move from red to violet along the visible spectrum, their wavelengths decrease and their frequencies increase. Red light has longer wavelengths and lower frequencies, while violet light has shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies. This shift in wavelength is perceived as a shift in color by our eyes.

What has the author Ratje Charles Jcobsen written?

Ratje Charles Jcobsen has written: 'On the shift with temperature of the first ulra-violet absorption of alkalihalides'

Does the velocity of a star toward or away from earth determine measuring the shift of its spectral lines?

Yes. If the star is moving away from the Earth, its spectral lines will shift towards the red end of the spectrum. If it is moving towards the Earth, its spectral lines will shift towards the violet end of the spectrum. This is due to Doppler effect.

What causes a red shift?

A red shift occurs when light from a distant object in space stretches as the object moves away, causing the wavelengths of light to stretch and shift towards the red end of the spectrum. This effect is a result of the Doppler effect in the expanding universe, indicating that the object is moving away from the observer.

What is violet in french?

NOUNviolet violet, viola. ADJECTIVEpurple, violet, violaceous.

What does violet and violet make?


Color starting with V?

Violet and Vermillion are colours that start with V.

What is the color violet called?

Violet is a color that is called "violet."

What is violet Clair in French?

'violet clair' is 'light violet' in English.

What is the French word for violet?

The French word for violet is "violet."