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Q: What is the velocity of hailstones i?
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If there were no air resistance what would be the velocites of hailstones during a hailstorm?

Without air resistance, hailstones in a hailstorm would accelerate due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2) until they eventually reach their terminal velocity, which is around 108 km/h (67 mph) for large hailstones. The actual velocity of hailstones would depend on their size and mass.

Does rain reach terminal velocity?

No, raindrops do not reach terminal velocity because they are too small and have a low enough mass that air resistance slows them down before they can reach their maximum falling speed. Terminal velocity is typically reached by larger objects like skydivers or hailstones.

How do you describe how hailstones grow different sizes?

well there is differnt sizes of the hailstones

Are all hailstones round?

No, not all hailstones are round. Hailstones can have a variety of shapes depending on how they form. They can be round, irregular, jagged, or even conical in shape.

How do you describe weather conditions during which hailstones form and the process by which they form?

The hailstones are mas

How is a hailstorm classified?

Hailstorms are classified based on the size of the hailstones they produce. The National Weather Service categorizes hailstorms using three main categories: severe (1 inch or larger), significant (1.75 inches or larger), and destructive (2 inches or larger). These classifications help convey the potential impact of the hailstorm on property and life.

The hailstones pounded the roof during the storm?

The hailstones struck the roof loudly during the storm.

How the hailstones form?

they want to

How do hailstones start?

Hailstones start as small ice particles in a thunderstorm's updraft. As they are carried upward by strong winds, they accumulate layers of water droplets that freeze onto them. These frozen particles continue to grow larger until they become too heavy for the updraft to support, falling to the ground as hailstones.

What are the release dates for Hailstones and Halibut Bones - 1963?

Hailstones and Halibut Bones - 1963 was released on: USA: 1963

What causes hailstones to fall from the sky?

Hailstones form inside thunderstorm clouds when supercooled water droplets freeze onto ice nuclei. As the hailstones grow, they eventually become too heavy for the updrafts in the storm to support, causing them to fall to the ground.

Are hailstones dangerous?

It depends on how much they weigh. Some have caused a lot of damage, but it's usually to cars and buildings. hailstones are little blocks of ice which fall from the sky.technically hailstones are just frozen rain drops.I wouldn't think hailstones are dangerous as they melt the minute they touch the floor but i guess they could be dangerous if they had a sharp edge.