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A cyclic ring molecule follows Hückel's rule when the number of its π(pi)-electrons equals 4n+2 where n is zero or any positive integer, although clearcut examples are really only established for values of n = 0 up to about n = 6

A furan structure is a planar 5 membered ring with one O atom in its ring on which one pi-pair is situated. This leaves another 2 pi-pair's for two double bonds, a total of 6 (3 pi-pairs) obeys Hückel's rule for the n=1 value.

Thus furan is aromatic as benzene (also n=1, 6 pi-electrons in 3 pi-pairs).

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6mo ago

The value of 'n' for furan while applying Huckel's rule is 6, which indicates that furan fulfills the 4n+2 rule for aromaticity.

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