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The valency of bromide ion (Br-) is -1.

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Q: What is the valency of bromide ion?
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WHat is the formula and valency for bromide?

The formula for bromide ion is Br-. The valency of bromide ion is -1, as it has gained one electron to achieve a full outer shell of electrons.

Valency of bromide?

The valency of bromide is -1. This means bromide ions have a charge of -1 and typically form ionic compounds with metals where the metal ion has a positive charge.

What is the valency of Bromide?

-1 valency

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What is the charge of bromide ion?

The bromide ion has a 1- charge.

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The symbol for the sodium ion is Na+ and its valency is +1.

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The charge of a bromide ion in potassium bromide is -1. Bromine typically forms an ion with a -1 charge by gaining one electron to achieve a stable electron configuration.

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What type of charge does a bromide ion have?

A bromide ion has a charge of -1.

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