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Well there are tin cans and tin whistles and tin pan alley

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8mo ago

Tin is commonly used in the production of solder, which is used in electronics to join metal components. It is also used to coat other metals to prevent corrosion, and in the manufacturing of tin cans for food packaging. Additionally, tin compounds are used in the production of various chemicals and as catalysts in industrial processes.

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10y ago

Tin is commonly used for making beverage cans and bakeware.

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What is the significant use of the tin opener?

The primary function of the can opener is to open tin cans. Though the first tin can have been in use since 1772 in The Netherlands, the first tin can was patented in 1855, though earlier un-patented models may have invented.

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Because we did not use as much tin as we mined so the value of tin dropped and people did not want to work in the conditions

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Tin tiles can be used in quite a number of various places in one's own home. One of the best locations that a person can use tin tiles is the ceiling.

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Tin flatware

What resources did Persia use?

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When did tin get discovered?

Tin extraction and use can be dated to the beginnings of the Bronze Age around 3000 BC

What item did you use in space that can in my home?

Tin food