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Arsenic 74 can be used as a positron emitter in PET - Positron Emission Tomography, the scope is to identify tumors.

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Arsenic-74 is primarily used in nuclear medicine for imaging and diagnostic purposes. It can be used in radioactive tracers to track the movement of arsenic in biological systems.

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How many isotopes does arsenic have?

There are about 33 isotopes of arsenic. Only one of them is stable, and that's 75 As 33. All the other isotopes are synthetic.

How is Arsenic use?

Arsenic has many applications:Some compounds of arsenic are used as insecticides.In medicine, arsenic trioxide is used in the treatment of psoriasis. An isotope of arsenic (As-74) is used as a tracer in some diagnostic imaging.Most metallic arsenic is used in forming alloys of lead and copper. (Unalloyed lead is too soft for many purposes).Arsenic atoms are used to create n-type regions in silicon, when fabricating transistors and integrated circuits. (Don't eat these chips.)Gallium arsenide is used as a semiconductor material for very high-speed electronic circuits.A compound of arsenic is used to create red color in fireworks.

What is the common name for arsenic?

The only stable, and thus by far the most common, isotope of arsenic is arsenic-75, although isotopes have existed from arsenic-60 through arsenic-92. The isotopes with the longest half-lives are arsenic-73, arsenic-74, and arsenic-76.

How can arsenic be a nurtrient even though its toxic?

Some bacteria can use arsenic for the life.

How do you get rid of arsenic?

To remove arsenic from water, use a certified water filter that is specifically designed to remove arsenic. For soil or solid waste contaminated with arsenic, consult with environmental remediation experts for proper disposal methods. Avoid exposure to arsenic by limiting consumption of arsenic-contaminated food and water sources.

What is arsenic found in?

Inorganic arsenic compounds are found in soils, sediments, and groundwater. These compounds occur either naturally or as a result of mining, ore smelting, and industrial use of arsenic. Organic arsenic compounds are found mainly in fish and shellfish.

What causes groundwater pollution by arsenic?

Groundwater pollution by arsenic can be caused by natural mineral deposits, mining activities, industrial discharge, and agricultural practices. Arsenic can leach into groundwater from rocks and soil, especially in areas with high levels of arsenic naturally present. Human activities such as mining, manufacturing, and the use of arsenic-containing pesticides can also contribute to groundwater contamination by arsenic.

What are the modern uses of arsenic?

Modern uses of arsenic include in certain types of semiconductors, as a wood preservative, in some pharmaceuticals, and in the production of pesticides. However, its use is highly regulated and restricted due to its toxicity.

What is the scientific name for arsenic?

Arsenic is an element. The scientific name for arsenic is arsenic. Arsenic's chemical symbol is: As It is left to the student to balance the chemical equation of Arsenic and Old Lace.

Is arsenic diatomic?

No, arsenic is not diatomic. Arsenic is a metalloid element with the chemical symbol As.

How is arsenic used in every day life?

It isn't. Arsenic is a poisonous substance; most people won't use it, unless they work in very specialized areas.

What is the chemical symbol for arsenic?

The chemical symbol for arsenic is As.