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There were four Indian Castes at the time of Buddha's birth. Buddha was born in the royal caste. Brahmin was the highest caste. Buddha learned everything about Brahmin teachings, but was not satisfied with them. He was also not satisfied with the teachings of other religions, and finally he found his own path towards englightenment to eliminate the sufferings of birth, aging, sickness, and death.

Brahmin religion later evolved into Hinduism, merging some of the Buddha's teachings. This happened after Buddha's death.

Enlightenment in Buddhism is the realization of the three law: (1) all things are impermanent, (2) all things lack inherent existence (no-self), (3) and that nirvana is perfect quiesence. It is attained via Prajna Wisdom.

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The underlying principle of all the different sects of Hinduism is the belief in karma (law of cause and effect) and dharma (duty/righteousness). These concepts influence the teachings, practices, and beliefs of the various sects, guiding individuals towards spiritual growth and liberation (moksha).

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What do Hinduism think about organ transplated?

In general, Hinduism supports organ transplantation as a way to save lives and reduce suffering, as long as it is done ethically and voluntarily. The perspective may vary among different sects and individuals within Hinduism, but the focus is often on the intention behind the donation and the belief in the value of helping others through such acts of kindness.

Does Judaism have only one sect?

No, Judaism has multiple sects including Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist, each with its own beliefs and practices. These sects vary in their interpretations of Jewish law, tradition, and religious observance.

Do different Amish sects live in the same community?

While different Amish sects may live in close proximity to each other, they typically do not live in the same community. Each sect tends to have its own church district and governs itself independently, adhering to its own set of rules and customs. Some sects may interact for certain purposes, such as community events or business transactions, but they maintain separate identities within their own communities.

Why is there need to be familiar with different laboratory apparatuses or equipment?

The need to be familiar with different laboratory apparatuses or equipment is important only for intelligent, dedicated and studious students who want to build a serious career. For the others: drugs and sex, idiot Hollywood movies, hip hop, reggae, rap, clubs, alcohols, scandals, homo relations, religious sects, etc.

Are there that religions prohibit organ and tissue donation?

Most major religions, including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, support organ and tissue donation as a charitable act that saves lives and helps those in need. However, some sects or interpretations within these religions may have differing views. It's important for individuals to consult with their religious leaders if they have concerns about organ donation.

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What are the different sects of Hinduism?

i think there are no sects

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Are there variations or sects in Hinduism?

yes there are many sects in Hinduism.main three are shaivism, vaishnavism & shaktism.

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Hindus are polytheistic. Hindus follow different three main teachings of Hinduism and worship a vast array of gods. It has been called the oldest religion in the world. You can study the various sects and their many gods by performing an internet search for "Hindu Gods".Hindus are polytheistic. Hindus follow different three main teachings of Hinduism and worship a vast array of gods. It has been called the oldest religion in the world. You can study the various sects and their many gods by performing an internet search for "Hindu Gods".Hindus are polytheistic. Hindus follow different three main teachings of Hinduism and worship a vast array of gods. It has been called the oldest religion in the world. You can study the various sects and their many gods by performing an internet search for "Hindu Gods".Hindus are polytheistic. Hindus follow different three main teachings of Hinduism and worship a vast array of gods. It has been called the oldest religion in the world. You can study the various sects and their many gods by performing an internet search for "Hindu Gods".

What are the four major beliefs of Hinduism?

saivism vaishnavism shaktavism those are the three major sects of Hinduism this three sects in indifferent............ they teaches the same path that is to attain the supreme but through different demi-god