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Q: What is the treatment fo a bakers schist?
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Is schist the same as mica schist?

No, schist is a metamorphic rock type characterized by strong foliation, while mica schist is a specific type of schist that contains a high proportion of mica minerals like muscovite or biotite. Mica schist has a distinct shiny appearance due to the abundance of mica minerals.

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What is the rock category of schist?

A schist is a metamorphic rock.

What country is schist found in?

Schist is a metamorphic rock found deep underground but I don't know where some schist

Does schist contain diamond?

No, schist is a metamorphic rock type.

What kind of rock is schist rock?

Schist is a metamorphic rock.

Is a schist rock a crystal?

No Schist is not a crystal, but it is composed of minerals.

Is mica garnet and chloride in schist?

Mica and garnet are commonly found in schist. Chloride is not typically found in schist; rather, it is often associated with evaporites or in hydrothermal systems.

What kind fo treatment is there for huntingtons disease?

The treatment for huntington's Disease are: drugs that can help treat movement problems and other emotions/mental problems.

What type of rocks Schist?

Schist is a high-grade metamorphic rock.

Is Schiste foliated?

Yes. That's why it is called schist, every schist if foliated.