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Copper is the transition element known for its excellent ability to conduct an electric current. It is widely used in electrical wiring due to its high conductivity and low resistance.

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Q: What is the transition element known for its excellent ability to conduct an electric current?
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Related questions

What is the ability to conduct electric current?

you may find the answer from the periodic tables electron orbiting the nucleus is the answer

What is the ability to transmit electrical currents called?

The ability to transmit electrical currents is called conductivity. Materials that conduct electricity well are known as conductors, while those that do not conduct electricity are known as insulators.

Will a metal conduct electricity if it is kept away from any and all forms of radiation?

Yes. The ability to conduct electric current isn't connected with any radiation in the neighborhood.

What material has ability to carry an electric charge?

Materials such as metals, conductive polymers, and solutions containing ions have the ability to carry an electric charge. These materials contain free-moving electrons or ions that can conduct electricity. Insulators, on the other hand, do not allow the flow of electric charge.

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Its the Graphite Edit: Semiconductors.

Why are insulators poor conductors?

Insulators are poor conductors because they have very few free electrons that can carry an electric charge. This limits their ability to conduct electricity compared to materials with more free electrons, like metals. Insulators also have high resistance to the flow of electric current, further inhibiting their ability to conduct electricity.

The ability to conduct electricity is a property of?

The ability to conduct electricity is a property of a conductor.

Is conductivity a scalar quantity?


What is electical conductivity?

Electrical conductivity is a measure of a material's ability to conduct an electric current. It is determined by the availability of free electrons in the material that can move in response to an applied electric field. Materials with high electrical conductivity, like metals, allow electric current to flow easily, while insulators have low conductivity and impede the flow of current.

Does rubidium conduct electric?

it can conduct electricity and heat.

What is dielectric constant in chemical terms?

The dielectric constant is a measure of a material's ability to store electrical energy in an electric field. In chemical terms, it reflects the ability of a substance to polarize in response to an applied electric field, affecting the material's ability to conduct electricity. Materials with higher dielectric constants are better insulators.

Do all objects equally conduct?

No, not all objects conduct electricity equally. Conductivity depends on the material's ability to allow the flow of electric charge. Metals are good conductors, while materials like rubber and plastic are insulators.