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Q: What is the total number of sub-shells for elements in period 5 of the periodic table?
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What does a period on the periodic table tell us?

Elements in the same period has same number of valence shells.There are 7 periods in Periodic Table.

Which periods have the same number of elements?

Period 4 and period 5 of the periodic table have the same number of elements. There are 18 elements in each period. While some elements in period 4 are calcium, iron, and zinc, elements in period 5 are tin, antimony, and iodine.

How are the elements arranged?

Elements are arranged on the periodic table based on their atomic number, which is the number of protons in their nucleus. This arrangement groups elements with similar properties in columns called groups or families, while elements in the same period have the same number of electron shells.

In the periodic table what is a period?

A period in the periodic table is a row of elements that share the same number of electron shells. Elements within the same period have the same highest energy level.

What row number in the periodic table of elements is neon in?

Neon is in row 2 of the periodic table of elements.

Period number of manganese?

The period number of manganese is 4. This is based on the element's position in the fourth row of the periodic table.

What is a period on the table of elements?

A period on the periodic table refers to a row of elements that are arranged in order of increasing atomic number. Each period starts a new row and represents the number of electron shells an element has.

Row of elements in the periodic table?

the rows of elements on the preiodic table are called the period. the period tells you the number of electron shells

What similarities do the elements of a particular period on the periodic table have?

The same number of shells

A row of elements across the periodic table is an?

A row of elements across the periodic table is called a period. Periods represent the number of electron shells in an atom.

Where is platinum on the periodic table of elements?

Platinum is located in Group 10 and Period 6 of the periodic table of elements. It has the atomic number 78 and the symbol Pt.

How many elements make up period 6 in the periodic table?

Period 6 of the periodic table consists of 32 elements.