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Astronomers often call this the planet's year. For Earth that's about 365 and 1/4 days.

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Q: What is the time taken for a planet to travel around the sun?
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What travels around the sun in a year?

the time it takes to travel around the sun, a planet year

How is a year on a PLANET?

On Earth, a year is the time Earth takes to travel once around the Sun. The term "year", applied to other planets, may either refer to a standard Earth year, which is a very convenient unit of time, or to the time the planet takes to go once around the Sun. As an example, a "year" on Jupiter takes about 12 Earth years.

How are the planets distances from the sun generally related to the length of their year and their period of revolution?

The distance a planet is from the Sun relates to the length of the planet's year because it determines the time it takes for the planet to complete one revolution around the Sun. A planet's "year" is the time taken to orbit the Sun once. The further a planet is from the Sun, the further it must travel to complete an orbit. Also, a planet moves more slowly when it is further from the Sun. The mathematical equation for all this is given by Kepler's "Third Law of Planetary Motion". Earth takes about 365.25 days to complete a revolution. So, our year is 365 days with 366 days in a "leap year".

How are planets distances from the sun generally related to the length of their year and their period of revolution?

The distance a planet is from the Sun relates to the length of the planet's year because it determines the time it takes for the planet to complete one revolution around the Sun. A planet's "year" is the time taken to orbit the Sun once. The further a planet is from the Sun, the further it must travel to complete an orbit. Also, a planet moves more slowly when it is further from the Sun. The mathematical equation for all this is given by Kepler's "Third Law of Planetary Motion". Earth takes about 365.25 days to complete a revolution. So, our year is 365 days with 366 days in a "leap year".

What is the relationship between the distance a planet is from the sun and it's year?

The further a planet is from the sun, the longer its year is. This is because a planet's year is determined by how long it takes to complete one orbit around the sun, with larger orbits taking more time to complete.

Related questions

How long is a day and a year on the planet?

A planets day (solar day) is the time it takes to rotate once on its axis relative to the sun, the synodic period. A year on a planet is the time taken for the planet travel once around the sun.

What planet would take the shortest time to travel around?

the first planet mercury

What is the time taken for planets to orbit around the sun?

That is a "year" for that planet.

What travels around the sun in a year?

the time it takes to travel around the sun, a planet year

What planet would take the longest time to travel around?

Jupiter: it's the largest.

What planet takes twenty nine earth years to travel around the sun one time?


What action occurs to determine a year?

the time taken by a planet to make one revolution around the sun.

What is a planet year?

A planet year is the time it takes for a planet to complete one orbit around the sun. It is also referred to as the orbital period of a planet. The length of a planet year varies depending on the planet's distance from the sun.

When does Jupiter travel most slowly around the sun?

Jupiter is not the slowest, but it is a lot slower than Earth. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun. The time taken for a planet to orbit the Sun increases with distance from the Sun. There are two reasons : 1) The size of its orbit gets bigger. 2) The planet moves more slowly. This follows from the mathematics of Newton's gravitation theory.

How many revolutions does it take a planet to make a single trip around the sun?

One. A revolution is the time taken for any object to revolve once around the Sun.

What is The planet that has a period shorter than any other planet?

The general rule for the amount of time taken for a planet to orbit around the Sun is that the closer planet is to the Sun, less time is taken for one orbit. This basically means that Mercury will take the shortest amount of time for one orbit around the sun then all of the other planets. The full list of time taken for planets to make a full orbit of the Sun (from the quickest to the slowest) is as follows:MercuryVenusEarthMarsJupiterSaturnUranusNeptuneFrom this, it is clear that the closer the planet is to the Sun, the quicker it orbits it.To visualize why this is, think of a motor sport driver. When the motorist is travelling around a corner, they will want to keep to the inside of the corner. If they travelled around the same corner near the outside of the corner, they would go a lot slower as they would have to cover more of the track.

How is a year formed?

A year is formed by the earth orbiting all the way around the sun.A year - is the time taken for the earth to travel once around the sun.