PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)
Eastern Standard Time (EST) is 3 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST), which is the time zone for California (CA).
The time difference between Atlanta, Georgia (Eastern Time Zone) and San Francisco, California (Pacific Time Zone) is 3 hours. San Francisco is 3 hours behind Atlanta.
California is in the Pacific Time Zone (PT).
Sacramento, California is in the Pacific Time Zone (PT).
right now its about 9:51 AM
8:03 pm
12:31 pm
He will be there at around midnight, santa is in Maryland right now!
Debby Ryan is in Lemoore, CA right now!
sacarmento. ca
Hopefully none right now.....
Victoria lives in Burbank, CA
No. He is still alive. Right now he is in his 70's.
he is at indio ca and he passed through my house omg!!!! he is at indio ca and he passed through my house omg!!!! he is at indio ca and he passed through my house omg!!!!
He currently lives in L.A. with his wife and pets:)
Right now they are a dime a dozen. Least in CA