Beijing is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +8 hours, ie. 8 hours ahead of Greenwich, England.
Washington DC is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -5 hours, ie. 5 hours behind Greenwich, England.
Washington is 13 hours behind Beijing.
During daylight saving time, China is 12 hrs. ahead of Washington.
From Washington to Hawaii, it is 4,769.88 miles. In kilometers this would be 7,676.38 and you can get there via boat or airplane.
The time difference between Beijing, China, and Austin, Texas, is 14 hours. Beijing is 14 hours ahead of Austin.
Washington DC is one hour ahead of the four counties of Upper Michigan that share a land border with Wisconsin. There is no time difference between the rest of Michigan and Washington DC.
Beijing, China is 14 hours ahead of Dallas, TX, USA
Perth and Beijing are in the same time zone, so there is no time difference =========== Time difference between Perth, Australia and Beijing, China is 1 hr Perth is 1 hr ahead of Beijing===========
There is no time difference between Caroline and Washington. Both states are in the same time zone, Eastern Standard Time (EST).
The time difference is 7 hours, with Beijing being ahead of Dublin.
No difference.
5 hours difference
Beijing is 12 hours ahead of Maryland.
The time difference between Beijing, China, and Austin, Texas, is 14 hours. Beijing is 14 hours ahead of Austin.
12 hours
A typical flight between Washington, DC and Beijing, China would have a flying time of about 13 hours, 53 minutes.
Beijing is currently 7 hours ahead of Edinburgh
12 hours
There is a 15 hour time difference between Beijing, China and Santa Rosa, California. This means that Santa Rosa is 15 hours behind Beijing.
There is no time difference between Washington, DC, USA and Haiti
The time difference between Beijing is 12 or 13 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time depending on the time of year. Eastern Standard Time is 5 hours behind the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Beijing is 8 hours ahead of UTC. The difference between Beijing should be 13 hours ahead of places with EST. However, when it is EDT the time difference is 12 hours. In the United States, EDT occurs between the last Sunday of April and the last Sunday of October